Chapter 5e - How do I handle this?

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Since the doctors had x-rayed her paw and it was already healing they had a brief discussion with Dan about it. After a short discussion it was decided that Dan was going to break it and realign it and then have her shift. The shifting would start the healing and she wouldn't, or shouldn't, need a brace since the bone should be fixed in place. Dan turned to Mari and met her eyes, "They are going to numb your paw, I will break and reset the bone. Hopefully before the pain meds wear off I will help you change. Once you change you will feel better. Keep looking at me while we work. I will take some of the pain away as well."

Mari whimpered at him as she nodded. At the moment she didn't feel up to trying to send to him. She kept her eyes on his. When they injected the pain meds in she didn't even move and thankfully a few moments later her paw mostly quit hurting. The crack of the bone being broken had forced a whine out though it didn't really hurt. A short time later it felt like Dan had reset the bone but she had chosen not to watch. It was not something she wanted to watch or hear since almost anything medical made her stomach roil.

"Okay Mari it is time for you to shift. I am going to hold your paw to ensure the bone remains aligned." Dan pressed his will against her and forced her to change. While he was doing that he was also using a touch of his power to hold her bone in the right spot. As Mari started changing Dan knew it was hurting since the change would burn the meds out of her system. The change would force her bones to change shape as well as encourage the healing. It was a very painful way to change but it was one of the best ways to force healing on a badly wounded wolf. As he had said he took some of the pain from her to keep her from reacting badly to the shift.

Once Mari was done changing she laid there panting from the pain. Mari also had a layer of sweat on her face as well from changing to heal. After a few moments she finally spoke, "Water please?" Mari's voice was hoarse from the whining and she was also very thirsty. When someone brought her a cup of water Dan helped her sit up and held her while she sucked it down. She did take her time but she was still thirsty. She looked down at her hands before speaking, "Sorry Alpha, it just hit and..." She had to take shuddering breath, "Those memories came back and I lost it. I am so sorry to have disturbed you." Mari was still keeping her eyes down as she was talking.

Dan sighed and called for a gown, as well as some shorts if they had any "I do understand what happened, sometimes shit just happens and we don't have control over that. I am just glad that you didn't actually change in front of anyone even if you ended up in a yard of attack trained kitties." He had to say that to see if she would at least smile.

Mari couldn't smile at the moment even if the joke was amusing. Instead she settled for leaning against her Alpha and let his power comfort her. She was still terrified about what she was feeling even with his commands and his Alpha status helping.

Dan wrapped his arms around Mari and held her close as he was stroking her hair. He and his wolf were still pissed off by what all had happened with Mari. He really did come to think of her as his adoptive daughter even above her being his submissive wolf. Mari had brought something to his house which hadn't been there for a long time.

A nurse came in about then with a gown and some paper shorts for her, "Here you go Hun, get dressed and wrap a blanket around you and you will feel better." The nurse turned and left the room they were in so Mari could get dressed. Even though Mari was a wolf and was mostly used to nudity it didn't mean she wanted to stand there nude in front of just anyone.

Mari held onto one of Dan's arms when she slipped off the gurney to get dressed. While she was getting dressed the scent of her mate was starting to impact on her again. It both attracted her and terrified her and she didn't know what to do. Once Mari was as dressed as she was getting stood there and stared at the curtain that separated Mari from her mate. Her wolf wanted to go and comfort their mate but Mari was so scared of any sort of intimate involvement.

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