"Come." He stands up and holds out his hand. I look at him and take it. He helps me up and we get ready to leave. He puts in a cap, I was about to grab my purse when the door bell rang. I went and opened it to see the pizza delivery guy. "Oh, I am leaving so here is the money, and you can have it." The boy looks at me and smiles. "Thank you ma'am. I finally get to eat." He says the last part quieter. I hand him extra money, Then me and Steve walk out and I close and lock my door.

"Have a good day." I say we go into the elevator and down to the lobby. Then out to the parking lot. "Can you ride a motorcycle?" My eyes light up. "I've always wanted to!" He chuckles and we head to a black sleek motorcycle but it was also one of the later models. He hands me a helmet and helps me out it on. "Where did yours?" "I'm a super soldier I don't need one." I laugh and shake my head. He gets on and I get on behind him.

Then he starts it and looks back. "Hang on." "To what?" I asked utterly confused. He chuckles and gently grabs my hands then puts them around his torso. My face goes a bright red, and when he sees he chuckles. "A little hot?" He asks, "Eh." I say looking down. He chuckles again before zooming off, I squeal and tighten my grip.

I see his smile which makes me blush. In a few minutes we are at the tower so he goes in the gates and into the garage parking lot where I see a bunch of sports cars and trucks and other cars. My eyes widen at the sight. He chuckles at my expression. I move back ignoring him so he can get off. My hands try and get of helmet off but it doesn't work. "A little help?" I ask with a small smile.

Steve laughs again and helps me take it off. "Thank you." He nods and holds out his hand. I take it and get off. We then walk towards the elevator.

Hello Mr. Rogers.

I hear a voice say, I recognized it instantly. "Jarvis?" I whisper. A hologram face appears and it looks to be Jarvis from years ago. Tears come to my eyes. I know he is an AI but I couldn't help them. The AI smiles at me,

Nice to finally see you Ms. Stark. I laugh as I wipe the unshed tears.

Don't worry Ms. Stark, Mr. Stark will be so happy your finally here. Maybe we can talk later. I do have all the memories as the real Jarvis.

I laugh and he disappears. I look at Steve he gave me a small smile. When the doors opened there was a living room I saw 4 figures on the couch. When they heard the elevator ding they all looked back. We stepped out of the elevator and everyone got up and came over to us. "So you must be Ms. Talia Stark. Nice to finally meet you." Thor says taking my hand gently and kissing it.

I chuckle and look down. "I assume you all know me, and I know you all so we skip introductions." I say with a smile and a 'Yesssss' at the end which makes them all laugh. "I already like you." Natasha said. I smile. "Let's sit on the couch and talk. We can wait for Tony to come." Clint said. Nod and we all sit on the couch. "Ok I just have to see your powers." Natasha said.

I open my right hand and set it on my lap face up. Then a brown mist forms on my hand, then there is a piece of dirt with a growing flower. I pluck the flower and hand it to Nat, that's what she wants me to call her now.

I make the remaining dirt disappear then a blue mist forms on my hand. This turns to a blob of water floating in the air. I use my other hand to bend it into the shape of the tower. I hear lots of gasps. I look up with a smile and look at everyone. I open my mouth so they look at my face, I then breath out fire so the water disappears. Next I put my hands up and make it slightly windy.

I made the air calm in the room, so I made a force field that was slightly black around it.

Throw something at me. I say in their heads which makes them look at me amazed. Bruce picks up a shoe from the floor and throws it at the force field. It bounces off and hits Thor in the forehead. I burst out laughing along with everyone else along with Thor and Bruce. I then take the fire field down and teleport behind them they look around till there eyes land on me. "Awesome!!" Nat said which made me laugh. I teleported back to the spot on the couch where I was sitting.

Steve Rogers Love and Tony Stark's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now