16. Radio silence

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Valentina lay on her bed staring at her phone. She hadn't heard from Juliana and was dying to text her. But what should she say? She had too many questions. Why didn't she tell the truth earlier? What did she expect to happen? Could they still be friends? To name a few.

Eva was on the warpath, claiming Juliana was up to something, she must have some ulterior motive for the deception. And although Valentina didn't believe that, she was still struggling with Juliana's dishonesty. What could she have gained from it? Valentina's attention? She would've given her that either way.

Valentina thought back to the first day at the hospital. When the doctor had announced Juliana was Guille's girlfriend, everyone had been surprised, maybe even Juliana. She understood how Juliana may have felt trapped, especially with the entire Carvajal family staring at her. Valentina knew how intimidating they were, in fact, she had warned Juliana before they arrived. She didn't blame her for chickening out that night but they'd spent a lot of time together. Juliana had plenty of other opportunities to confess. So why didn't she?

She thought about the time she'd spent with Juliana; she had been shy in the beginning, that cute little blush had been on her face frequently. They had fun together, she was easy to talk to, they shared stories, Valentina had revealed things about her past and Juliana had listened. Valentina had actually felt heard for the first time.

Then there was the hand holding, the dancing in the park, the teasing and tickling, the swimming, their sleepover, waking up together, each time they almost kissed... those moments had awakened a part of Valentina that she didn't know existed. They made her yearn for something more but Juliana wasn't available, or so she thought. If she'd known the truth, those moments could've ended differently.

She sighed as she lifted the fluffy tiger. Juliana was not the gold digger Eva was making her out to be, she was sweet, caring, and fun to be with. Valentina just hoped she would get a chance to experience it again.

* * * * *

When Juliana got home from work, she was exhausted, physically, and emotionally. Eva's visit had replayed in her mind. Did Val know about Eva's visit? Would Eva really carry out her threat? Could she make her life hell? Am I willing to risk it? She had checked her phone countless times over the last few hours hoping for a text from Val but so far, nothing.

Juliana thought back to her earlier conversation with Barbara, she had a lot to think about, but where should she start? She tried to put herself in Valentina's shoes, she knew Val was upset, she knew she had hurt her but she hoped when the shock wore off, Val wouldn't feel so betrayed.

Technically, she had only befriended her, she had tried to be there for her because she knew she was going through a difficult time. Yes, there were a few moments when the lines of their friendship had become blurred but... thankfully?... nothing had happened! Although, she was sure they both wanted more which led to more questions... If we had kissed... what would that mean? Could we actually have a relationship? What would Lupe say? What would the Carvajal's say? Eva already thinks I'm up to something.

"Ugh!" Juliana collapsed onto her bed. She needed to talk to Val. But she needed Val to forgive her first. Should I text her? Would she answer if I did?

* * * * *

Valentina was still laying on her bed. Her mind replaying all the time she had spent with Juliana. She lifted her phone and began to search for Eso es Amor when thoughts of their dance in the park resurfaced. The lyrics had resonated with her at the time but she wanted to dissect it better. She listened carefully to the lyrics, mentally ticking off parts of the song. She thought about Juliana all the time, she was happier when she was around, she loved her company, she loved her big brown eyes and her throaty laugh... love?... there was that word again. Could I be in love with her? After ten days? No! I like her, I'm not in love with her.

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