"what is my real daughter power after she touch the power sphera?" He ask as he point his sword toward Yaya that were smiling.

"she has Ivy, healing and dark orbit !" Yaya answer and the man was crying in happiness because he got met his daughter again.

"It's really you!" The man say as he drop his weapon and go hug Yaya, Yaya smile and hug her father back while holding her tear from coming out from her eyes.

Yaya father has asking her bout 10 min how she get another power or something and she answer it all her father questions while Boboiboy is admiring Yaya from a far.

They go to gelbot and before boboiboy could take it, the power sphera is turning on it self.

"nice to see you again Yaya!" The gelbot say as it hug Yaya, gelbot is a kind power sphera and would make the choosen one happy no matter what it take even if it includes killing people.

"nice to see you again Hun" Yaya say while putting gelbot on top of her head.

"we better go back now" fang say as he call his brother or Captain Kaizo to pick them up and sadly,Yaya father doesn't want to go with her because he has some unfinished business to settle.

Yaya give her father an Calling button that can call anyone from it, incase her father want to go to the tapop and her father gladly accept it.


While in the spaceship, gelbot and ochobot was like a best friend even though they just met today.

The other was playing card or something while Yaya is sitting next to window and look at the galaxy.

"What wrong Yaya?" Boboiboy ask her as he sit next to her.

"nothing just sad BCS father doesn't want to come" Yaya said in a sad tone without seeing Boboiboy.

"it gonna be alright, you have us!" Boboiboy say and that light Yaya mood a little.

"thanks Boboiboy!" Yaya say as she hug Boboiboy while the other was busy on playing game and on the other hand, Boboiboy hug her back with his face full of blushing.

Yaya broke the hug and give him a warm smile,then gelbot and ochobot came to them.

"Yaya,there is a note for you" gelbot say as it float next to Yaya.

"what is it Hun?" Yaya ask the gelbot that were trying like printed some paper, gelbot give Yaya the paper and let her read it .

'Dear choosen one,
I've been watching you for a long time now and
If you reading this that mean you have 1 month to go see the master of all elements before your dark side or dark orbit came out from that jewelry.

There is still a few more unique power in gelbot that you didn't have since you were kid, please take the power because there will be many challenges when you go on that planet to see the master.

I will be always watching you from a far Yaya'

After Yaya read it, she was surprised that gelbot has some power and it kinda creepy when it say 'I will always watching you from a far'.

Yaya give the paper to Boboiboy and he also kinda shock bout it.

"we can go on Wednesday so thing can clear up quickly" Boboiboy suggest Yaya and she nod in agreement.

"we better start packing when we arrive at there" Yaya say while she was petting gelbot and ochobot head.

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