idk yet

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realised I was portraying you as a villain 

when you're just another lost soul like me

muddled in the thoughts of society

tied to dozens of things and duties

these clouds of thoughts hovering over you

didn't let you notice 

the colours fading between us

or that's what you wanted to not loose your focus

you can't imagine 

how frantically I search for the meaning

 of every word of the lyrics

hoping to see our reflection in it

of the songs you tell me to listen to

can't decide which road shall I take 

you keep confusing me again and again

shall I move on or shall I wait ?

how much more will I contemplate

everything seems like a shout in the void now

don't know what's in for us in the future

miles apart or closer than ever forever

so let's hold on to each other tonight

singing beneath the moon and the streetlight

and replay it thousand times

every other night 

of these memories of you & I

- Ririco Chan ❤

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