(24) Reunion

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Numb. My entire body was numb. I sat on the ground just inside the tent with my knees pulled up to my chest. My eyes were still locked on the screen that now showed nothing but a black image. A loud ringing surged through my ears as I felt the heavy cast projecting over me. Carter falling to that tomb played in my head over and over, but yet I couldn't cry. I couldn't shed a single tear - because that would mean it was real. It would mean Carter was really gone.

Feet stomped around me, voices rejected in ignorance. My lips trembled and my body fought hard against the true reaction it wanted to present. I wanted to kick, punch, and scream at the world around me. Instead I sat there completely alone and numb. A hand shaking my shoulder still couldn't pull me away from the screen. The neatly cuffed sleeve was still fully intact on my fathers sleeve. His uniform was untouched - in perfect condition while the others... the others... How could he send them into such a gruesome battle? How could anyone deal with such things? I will never understand it.

I couldn't bear the thought of any of them getting hurt but I certainly could not bear the loss of him. The grip on my shoulder released as I heard my name being called. I couldn't move. Not to their voices. I couldn't pick my shoulders up and run to them like I knew they wanted me too. I couldn't think of anyone but them.

"Skye?" Nova shouted.

"Skye?" Ryan chimed in right behind her.

Hearing my brother's voice hurt even more. He wanted to bring Carter back to me. He told Carter he was going too... A lump caught in my throat with the rising urge to scream. I was going to be sick. The thought of my friend having her person back... saddened me because I so desperately wanted mine back. The thought of planning a funeral for him... with no recovered body.... I couldn't bare the thought.

"Skye?" His voice - his voice caused me to snap my head towards the opening of the tent.

I stared at him in confusion and astonishment. My lips pursed as I watched him limp over to me. When he reached the tent entrance and I saw how tired and bruised he looked, I hopped right up and met him at the opening.

He collapsed right into my open arms as I broke out into the sob I had been holding in. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, holding him as physically close to me as I could. He buried his face in my shoulder, letting himself finally relax and breathe. I felt his heavy breath on my neck as he planted a soft kiss to my skin.

"If you ever do something so fucking stupid like this again in your life," I pulled back and looked at him through the tears, "I'm going to make the demons look like saints."

"Such a potty mouth." he commented, a lace of laughter hidden in his tone.

"Rightfully awarded given the circumstances." I said.

"I'm sorry Skye," Carter apologized, "I had no intention of scaring you the way I did."

I pulled him back into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back as we stood there in reunion. It clicked in my mind that I had to check him and treat him for the injuries he sustained in their final battle. Even if all I wanted to do was hold him.

"I'll be okay," Carter pulled back and placed his forehead on mine, "I have the best doctor in my arms right now and I could really use some patching up."

"I love you Carter." I cried, closing my eyes and pressing my forehead to his.

"I love you too." he breathed.

We pulled away and I waved Dana who was standing nearby with a gurney. My sister knew me better so she stood prepared, ready to help me patch Carter up. He followed my orders and laid down on the gurney. Seeing him lying there only made me want to baby him.

Starting Line || Carter GraysonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant