(5) Snakebite

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Waking up in the most excruciating pain is never ideal. However, I found myself being woken from a crying-induced dead sleep with the worst pain I have ever felt before. Being a medical student for years and now a medical professional, I knew something was severely wrong. I could hardly force myself out of bed as I felt a stinging sensation being embedded into my lower back. I sat on the ground, grinding my teeth through the pain as a droplet of sweat fell off my forehead and started rolling down my cheek.

I sucked in a harsh deep breath as the pain grew worse and slowly moved up my back. It felt like something was slithering up my spine as I forced myself to crawl from my bed and over to the mirror just on the other side of the room. I gripped the carpet threads as hard as I could as I tried to refrain from letting out a scream. I broke out in a full on sweat when I made it to the mirror, holding onto the wall as I forced myself to stand up. The light coming from my desk lamp was enough to illuminate the room just enough for me to see.

Sucking in another deep breath as the pain slowly started to subside, I positioned myself with my back to the mirror as I lifted my shirt up around my chest. Another sensation of burning fluttered through my spine as I saw how red my back was. My jaw dropped and I let out a loud gasp, shocked to see the shape of a snake burnt into my skin and two very subtle bite marks just above the snake's tongue.

"What the-" my voice was caught with another burst of pain as I started to drop to the ground again. I caught myself with my knee, pressing my hands to the ground to keep my position stabilized. I let the pain pass before looking at the mark again. This couldn't be real. A snake tattoo on my back? No way. I must be dreaming this right now.

My first thought was to head to Nova for confirmation. I know she would tell me if I was crazy - or confirm that this was indeed a dream. I waited a few minutes, making sure that I could stand before heading down to her room. She was just a few doors down, making her room easy access to me for when I needed her - or when she needed me. I quietly opened the door, making sure not to disturb the other occupants of the halls. Mostly they were the other rangers, and a few crew members.

I looked both ways, making sure that no one was lurking the halls before I snuck my way down to Nova's room. That girl was the lightest sleeper I had ever met in my life and I knew she would jolt awake at the drop of a pin. I lightly knocked on the door - tap, tap, tap. Three taps. We had always taught each other since a young age that it was the other with exactly three taps.

Within seconds, just as I suspected, Nova quietly opened her door. She glanced down the halls before looking at my sweat filled face and panicked eyes.

"Skye, is everything okay?" Nova whispered.

"I need you to look at something," I pushed myself into her room and waited for her to close the door, "Please tell me that I'm dreaming right now."

"Give me a second to actually wake up." Nova yawned, rubbing her eyes, "It's like three in the morning. What's got you so panicked right now?"

I looked at Nova nervously, gripping ny side tightly.

"Seriously, what's wrong?" Nova asked.

I turned, pulling up my shirt to reveal my back. Nova reached out to examine it only to draw her hand back.

"When did this-" I cut her off.

"Earlier. I woke up and it was just... there." I answered.

Nova stared in shock as I pulled my shirt back down.

"We need to take you to Dana." she decided.

"No, please don't tell anyone. I'm fine I promise-" I didn't want everyone freaking out.

Starting Line || Carter GraysonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora