(25) Forever

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With the help of my father, I had hid one very sneaky plan from Nova during her entire wedding planning process. I knew deep down she was secretly saddened about not having anyone walk her down the aisle even though she didn't express it. I, however, knew the perfect person for the job. My father. He had practically raised her, so there was no better option.

I knew my father couldn't replace her own, but she deserved more than anyone in the world to have the perfect wedding night. Keeping this silent surprise was difficult, but we pushed through until the very moment she walked through those doors.

I took a deep breath, holding my place in line as her maid of honor in the wedding party. My brother stood in his spot, watching and laughing with the rest of the room as Joel strutted down the aisle throwing flower petals onto the ground.

I stole a quick glance at Carter, exchanging a silent nod as my father walked to the back of the room and waited for the beautiful bride to enter. I couldn't wait to see the reaction on her face when she realized what I had done for her. I knew that no physical gift I could give her was better than the memory she would have from this forever.

The entire ceremony was as incredibly beautiful as we planned it out to be. Nova Mitchell, the sister I always had in my heart, was officially a Mitchell and I couldn't have been more ecstatic for her. The vows were perfect - a true testimonial for my twin and best friends' love.

Her reception was equally as incredible for two reasons. Watching my best friend live out her night in laughter and happiness was the best sight I could have asked to have seen. I couldn't help but using my emotions during our years of friendship to drive the passion between my speech for her.

"When I first met Nova, an incredible friendship developed in a matter of minutes. I can't ever remember a time where I couldn't have turned to her with the littlest issue or question I had. She was always there for me in ways that I could never thank her for. I always thought of her sister and I am so incredibly ecstatic that I can officially welcome her into the Mitchell family as a Mitchell herself."

She reached over from her seat and joined our hands as I continued my speech.

"Nova is the most hardworking and caring person on this planet. Tonight is all about our love for her and the happiness she deserves. From one Mitchell sister to another, I love you with all my heart."

Everyone clapped as Nova stood up and pulled me into a hug, not caring that our tears had ruined our mascara. I handed the mic over to Carter, who had his own speech to deliver. I smiled as he gave me a small nod.

"Moving into the Lightspeed Aquabase not only came with a great task but a pleasant experience as well. I haven't been friends with Ryan and Nova for very long. Only about a year. But, anyone in their right mind can see how in love they are with each other. Nova worked with me day on end, training me to be the best I could be. I've never seen someone with such strong will and perseverance when it came to her work. She's kicked my butt on many occasions but we developed a friendship that I am so thankful for." Carter laughed.

Everyone in the room listened.

"Ryan, since his return to Lightspeed, has become one of my most trusted friends. Well, he kind of didn't have a choice, I needed endless advice about his crazy sister."

I playfully smacked his leg that was near me, laughing at his comment.

"That's beside the point," Carter chuckled, "As a final toast to the happy couple, I ask that we all raise our glasses one final time to Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell."

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