(8) Hurt

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I remained in the same spot all night. Numb and broken over my brother yet again. I got up long enough to climb in bed, still in the same dirty clothes from the night before. I couldn't sleep - I could hardly think. The sun reflection from the surface shined through my porthole, so I pulled my blanket up over my head and finally let my eyes fall shut. Perhaps some sleep would be ideal right now, if I could actually fall asleep.

I had no intentions of leaving my room for any circumstance today. I needed time. Time to process the last few days. Time to understand why my father made the decisions he did. Time to just cry and get it out of my system before I fake a smile and get back to work. I ignored the knocking on my door, hoping that they would just go away.  Wondering if it was Nova, I whistled. When I heard the chime back, it confirmed it for me. I loved her dearly, but I needed space. The whistle sent our message to each other.

It was then I realized I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep, so I might as well get up and try to distract myself from what I really wanted to do. I changed clothes, fixed my lab coat over my shoulders, and retying the terribly knotted ponytail on top of my head. I sighed heavily as I thought about retreating back to bed but instead I reached for the door handle and slowly opened the door. I looked down the halls both ways, making sure it was clear as I left the room. I might not get much work done today, but my office would at least provide a brief distraction.

I kept my eyesight forward as I followed my path to my office. I heard the elevator doors closing at the end of the hall and I met eyes with the person standing inside right before the doors fully closed.

My walk picked up to a run, "Ryan, wait!"

I was too late. The elevator doors were shut and he was leaving again. I stood in anger. I wanted to run up and slam my fists against the doors but I tucked them in my pockets and turned right around.

"Skye?" Kelsey's voice hit me from the side but I ignored it as I retreated right back to my room where I should have stayed in the first place.

I plopped right back down on my bed, kicking my shoes off and ripping my lab coat off my shoulders. I let it fall to the ground next to my bed as I stuffed my face into my pillow. If I could force myself to scream, I'd let it out into the pillow.

A second knock on my door only prompted me to ignore whoever it was... again.

"Skye, come on, breakfast." Nova shouted. I remained still in bed.

You'd think everyone would understand to just give me some space right now, but they didn't seem to let that happen. A second knock and the calling of my name finally urged me to get up.

"Skye?" The third light knock on the door was the last as I barely opened the door to see Carter on the other side of it.

"Do you need something?" I asked.

"Not particularly," he cleared his throat, "I just... wanted to check on you after everything."

"I'm fine." I lied.

"I don't think that's true." he truthfully said.

"It doesn't matter. I don't want to be bothered right now." I told him.

"I know that, but you shouldn't be left alone either. At least let me keep you company for a little while." he suggested.

"Um, no thanks. I just said I don't want to be bothered, therefore I don't want company. I'd rather be alone." I said.

"Okay." Carter nodded.

"I appreciate you checking up on me, but my mind is a mess right now and I'm just not up to company. I saw my brother today. Again. He was here in the Aquabase and I didn't even know it until I saw him leaving." I sighed, leaning in the doorway.

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