(22) Lightspeed

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Lightspeed was always an early-bird-gets-the-worm place. Most jobs require you to be up early hours of the morning or be up late completing projects. Either way, everyone had a job to take over when they showed up. I had been busy in the med bay, preparing my staff to assist more in the city as the frequency of demon attacks spiked within the last few days.

No amount of coffee prepared any of us for the endless shifts we were thrown. Working any type of job around the base came with many sleepless nights. It definitely was exhausting but that also made the job as daunting as it appeared.

I had barely gotten to see Nova as I worked double shifts in the infirmary. We were kept busy at all hours of the day. I had hardly even gotten to see Carter and it was starting to make me miss him as the days seemed longer and longer.

As I stocked supplies in the med bed, I overheard the nearest com system "Captain!"

It was Miss Fairweather.

"Battlings have invaded the aqua base!" Miss Fairweather shouted. What batlings were invading the Aquabase? How could that be?

"Go to red alert!" Alarms pounded through the halls.

Clanging and explosions were heard from down the hall. I knew I had to do something. My team and I had to help in any way I could. I quickly called them all over.

"This is not a drill," I threw my lab coat off, "We are in red alert status. I need everyone to grab what supplies they can and when it's deemed safe, prepare to evacuate and then all hands are on deck. The city is under attack. We need to work together to make sure everyone stays safe and gets the best medical relief they can get."

Nova rushed into the med bay, her blaster aimed at the batlings that were beginning to swarm our wing.

"Skye!" Nova yelled. Battlings fell with every blast of her weapon, clearing the doorway.

The doors slid open, "Everyone in!"

More employees flooded the doors, rushing into the room and seeking shelter as another alarm sounded, "Emergency lockdown mode, now!"

A buzzer went off and the door started to close slowly as people in the halls were still flooding in.

"Nova! Get in here!" I shouted. She was still keeping the batlings at bay so as many could enter the bay as possible.

"Nova!" The door was almost sealed. She had seconds to slip in.

Her landing really could have been better as she jumped to try and pull herself into a combat roll. I'm pretty sure I heard her shoulder pop out of place and then right back into place as she jumped up from the ground.

"Ugh, that's gonna hurt tomorrow." she groaned.

I swiped my access key on the door, initiating the emergency lock.

We were now trapped here until someone let us out.

"Hello? Captain, can you hear me?"

Nova pushed a crowbar into the door, using all the strength she had to try and push the doors open.

I sighed and tried clicking on the com again. "Med bay has been put into emergency lockdown. Captain, do you copy?"

"Powers out, the coms won't work." Nova reminded me.

I huffed and turned back to watch her struggle with the crowbar again.

"Dummy if the power's out we won't get those doors open until it's back online." I reminded her.

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