I then set everything in the sink and grab waters for everyone. "Ok so how are we going to split the check. Who's paying?" The mother that arrived with the grandparents raised her hand so I gave her, her bill. Then the father with the 2 kids and wife raised his hand. "Ok so with this you just slide the card in and I will do the rest." The woman handed her card to me so I put it in and talked a few buttons. Then I put the man's card in and paid for that. "Ok thank you." I love our of the way so they can all get out.

Both the mother's takes out their wallet. I look down. "Here." They both say. I look up and see they are both handing me a 20. My eyes widen at it. "Really for a tip?" They nod. "Yeah your awesome thank you so much." "No thank you." I take the money and put it in my apron. The day continues on and soon I find myself walking home. I had my cap on and my hair stuffed into it. I could still see Hawkeye on the roofs scoping the ground.

I looked behind me but didn't see Captain America or Black Widow. This made me worry If they couldn't find me then maybe Tony gave up on me. Or they already found me and they went to tell Tony. I wanted to be with him again, I just want to do it on my terms. Its been years since I saw him last and even if he is trying to find me. I'm scared to find him. I wouldn't know what to say or what I'll do. Well I'll hug him, maybe cry a lot. Then I'll eventually tell him my life since that awful day. I came here to do one thing, find Tony, and the first chance I got I failed. I always fail to do something. And by running away from him, I'm hurting both him and I.

That's not what I came here to do, bit eventually he will get tired and sick of me, then he'll leave me like everyone else has. Everyone I've ever loved left me. First it was Jarvis I could have stopped him, I know it's been at least 10 years nice he died but I still blame myself. Then my friends left me after he died. And finally my parents. But it didn't stop there. I know it wasn't Tony's fault but he left me too. The one family I went into was nice and they left me. Literally.

I just turned 17, I was there for a few months, I grew to love them, and one day I woke up to them gone and people to come pick me up to bring me back to an orphanage. Then I got stuck with a terrible family who left me to do all of their work. Even before them I had to go into bad families but they weren't as bad as the one I left. When I get to my apartment I sigh and throw my keys on the counter next to the table near the door and took my shoes off.

I changed into comfier clothes and put my money away in my wallet. When that was done I made myself some food and ate ok the couch while watching some pointless movie. When it was done I did the dishes. I then sat on the couch thinking about everything. I felt terrible to be running away from Tony but I couldn't help myself. I was scared, its selfish but everyone I loved has died or left me.

If I let him in then he will get hurt or worse. Bad things happened around me with these powers. I don't want to hurt him or his friends, but they seem like family to me. So why would he need me to be there when he has Hawkeye/Clint Barton Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner/The Hulk Steve Rogers/Captain America, Thor. He has so many things, he has an awesome life while I am just, me. I don't have billions of dollars, I don't have people to look up to. I'm fine where I am now. I can't imagine what it would be like if I was in the tower with him and his new family.

He seems happy where he is now so he doesn't need me. He has everyone else. He wouldn't need me. Tears fall down my face as reality hits me. He doesn't need me, and he doesn't want me anymore. It takes a while but I soon stop crying. I wanted to go on a run but I knew that if I did then one of the Avengers would see me and come to me or tell Tony.

So I stayed inside and watched movies until midnight. I went to my room and plugged in my phone going to sleep. When I wake up it was to my alarm. I turn it off and get dressed. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and did some makeup then I grabbed my things and walked out. I know I couldn't stay like this forever but I needed more time before I saw him again. I don't think I could handle if I saw him even if he didn't see me.

It would be to hard to see him, after all these years. I would become a mess. I don't know if he would be too. When I got to work I put on my apron and walked out waiting for costumers. About 2 hours in a couple came in. I knew today would be a slow day. By lunch I only had served 4 tables. And I got the most tables out of everyone. I was in the lounge room eating my lunch which was a chicken ceaser salad with a side of a chocolate chip cookie.

I also had some cold water which was nice. By the time I was done I went to the bathroom and I only had a minute to spare. When I got out I was surprised that business picked up a little bit. When I looked around I saw a familiar face. Steve Rogers AKA Captain America.

All muscles and glory. He was actually my favorite Avenger, and he was also smoking hot to. I could see that all the girl waitresses were looking at him with googly eyes, they haven't seen his face because he was wearing a fake beard. It suited him well. He was seated at my table. I couldn't let him see me or he would tell Tony. I still wasn't ready, and I don't think that I would be able to speak, I'd be to distracted by his muscles, his facial features, and the blue eyes I have seen so many times on tv but not in person.

I go over to the closest waitress. "Will you get table 5 for me?" She looks at Steve and nods with a smile. "Thank you Talia." "Of course Trish." I walk to my other tables that were far from where Steve was. But when I was cleaning my last table for the day I looked behind me, feelings eyes on me to see Steve looking at me with a knowing expression. He was about to get up when I gathered the things on the table and walked away quickly.

When that was done I gathered my things and put my hat on stuffing my hair into it along with my sunglasses. When I walked out I saw Steve still at the table looking around for me. So I decided to put on my hoodie. I put the hood up and walked out normal.

When I glanced back I saw Steve coming out. I walked faster and soon I arrived home. Every few minutes I would look back and wouldn't see him which was good. I got into my apartment and immediately closed all the curtains. My breathing was heavy, I was panicking. He saw me. He went to go tell Tony. I decided on ordering pizza do I got a medium pepperoni pizza with some bread sticks. I poured myself some wine while I waited.

It calmed me down a little which was good. If my emotions get to strong or I just break down then they will go haywire. Last time that happened I almost got caught. The door bell rings sooner then I expected do I grab my money and unlock the door and open it up.

It wasn't the pizza guy, it was Steve fucking Rogers.

Steve Rogers Love and Tony Stark's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now