Chapter 17 In Vegas

Start from the beginning

"I hope you're right," Michelle said, her hands shaking.

"They don't have tickets and they don't know which flight we're on. So would you stop being so nervous?" Payton asked, pointing to her hands. She stuffed them in her pockets.

"Boarding passes please." The attendant asked before they entered the flight. They showed the passes and got on.

"Enjoy your flight." The attendant said.

"We're in the last row. Follow me." Payton said. They found Michelle was placed next to the window.

"Wow, this is what first-class looks like. It must have cost a fortune." She said.

"Not as much as my car," Payton said. Michelle took off her cap.

"I'm gonna go change," she said, taking her bag.

"Hurry up, the flight leaves soon," Payton said. Michelle went and changed in the bathroom and came back wearing her own clothes.

"Where's my jacket?" Payton asked. Michelle pulled it out of her bag.

"I thought it was too conspicuous." She said.

"Not anymore. Nobody cares what anybody looks like in Vegas."

"Okay, then I'll put it on," Michelle said and sat down. Another attendant came and offered them fresh juice or strong drinks. Payton took a soda.

"I thought you'd pick something stronger," Michelle said.

"Not on a flight."

"Afraid of getting airsick?"

"No. I need to stay alert." He said plainly.

"Oh, right." Michelle focused on her juice.

The attendant announced that the flight would take off soon and everyone should fasten their seatbelts. Michelle clutched her hands tightly together on her knees until they were white. Payton laid his hand in hers and loosened her grip.

"It's gonna be okay." He said, entwining his fingers through hers. His voice was muted over the hum of the plane. Michelle only nodded, staring out the window as the flight taxied and took off.

 Michelle only nodded, staring out the window as the flight taxied and took off

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"Here we are – Las Vegas," Payton said as they stepped off the plane later. Michelle yawned.

"I almost wish the flight took longer... sleeping in first class was a dream."

"The hotels are better. At least the bed isn't vibrating thirty thousand feet above the ground." Payton said. Michelle thought he looked tired. He couldn't have gotten much sleep last night.

"Where do we go now? You don't have a car anymore so..." she waited for him to speak.

"We go straight to headquarters by cab. It's about a couple hours from the airport." Payton said.

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