Chapter Eight: Reprecussions

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"You're all set now. Try not to hurt yourself too badly next time" The nurse sighed and set aside her tools, throwing away bloody bandages and used medical thread.

Louis stood protectively, watching our every move as the nurse wrapped my freshly stitched wound in a thick white bandage. The women secured it tightly around my arm and sent Louis and I on our way.

The two of us walked the hallways in silence, the only sound our soft footsteps echoing off the walls. Outside, the sky was cloaked in darkness, the moon casting an ethereal glow over the world below. Stars were absent from the sky, leaving only the vast expanse of darkness stretching out before us.

Through the reflection of the window, I caught Louis' gaze, his eyes fixed on me with a quiet intensity.

"Now, what were you thinking getting in between two large carnivores as they bore their fangs?" He asked, breaking the awkward quiet.

"Legoshi went feral. I did what I had to do to get him off of Bill." 

"Bill is a six-three Bengal tiger and he needed a human girl's help?" Louis chuckled and shook his head.

"What got into those two anyways?" I asked.

"I'll let Bill explain everything himself." He always seemed to be so strange and cold. You'd get so little out of Louis unless he wished otherwise, which seemed to be rare.

Louis opened the door for us as we entered the Drama club room. To my surprise, it was empty. Everyone must've been in their dorm rooms by now. Louis escorted me to his office where we could get some privacy.

Moonlight seeped into the room through the large office window, illuminating the small room and the two guilty-looking boys inside.

Bill stood up immediately. "Y/n I-" He stuttered, struggling to find the right words. The large boy looked at my arm and back at me with a frown. His eyes frantically searched my face before he avoided my gaze altogether.

I smiled, doing my best to show that I was alright. "Look I'm perfectly fine. It's just a scratch, besides it was the wolf over there who couldn't keep his claws to himself." I joked. Legoshi stood up and began spewing out apology after apology.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. I didn't mean to hurt you and I shouldn't have ruined the play. I'm sorry"

"I told you I'm fine. Just a scratch" I said.

"It is not just a 'scratch' y/n. You needed eighteen stitches" Louis chimed in. Bill and Legoshi both looked at me in dismay. 

"Could've been worse." I said, smiling and hoping to mellow the atmosphere back down.

"Look, I'm really hungry so I'm going to go now. I'm sure Louis has already scolded you both and I'm fine. We're all friends don't worry." I chuckled nervously, feeling their eyes following my every step as I made my way out of the room.

"Y/n wait!" Bill hurriedly followed after me and shut the office door behind him, leaving Legoshi and Louis alone.

"Let's go get something to eat. Off-campus. My treat." Bill suggested.

I flashed him a smile, definitely not about to pass up free food. "Sure"

Bill's ears perked up, seemingly surprised that I had said yes to his invitation.

"Alright, that's what I'm talkin' about! I know the perfect place!" Bill grabbed my hand and lead me out of the school.

"Are you gonna hold my hand forever?" 

Bill smirked, "you'd like that wouldn't you?"

Bill's POV:

I decided to take y/n to my favorite ramen stand located about fifteen minutes away in a small, yet popular, marketplace. I still felt incredibly terrible about what had happened. The embarrassment and anger over the incident still lingered in my mind and the evidence of the fight lingered on my fur. The least I could do was try to make it up to her.

My Darling Feline (Bill X Fem! Reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें