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I am making my way through the halls when I see Elijah walking away from a scene and he is looks proud doing it.

I get closer to him and the scene, I spot my brother laying on the ground. Good.

"What's going on over there?" I ask Elijah.

"I kicked your brother's ass. " He smiles wide.

Ok, I get what happened now. "Indirectly."

"Indirectly." He agrees. I nod and open the bag of cheetos in my hand then start to eat from it.

When I look back up at elijah, I am taken back.  He is holding his stomach and his facial expressions say it all. He looks like he has seen a ghost.

"What?" I chuckle. He points at the bag in hands, I roll my eyes. Why does he have to look at me like a criminal for opening a bag of chips the wrong way?

"That isn't the right way to do it." He holds his stomach.

"So?" I reply. This is when things take a turn, Elijah starts screaming and crying loudly. He is having an emotional breakdown over cheetos right now.

He makes a disgusted face and tells me, "I'm fine." As tears roll down his cheeks.

All of these emotions elijah is spewing out affect Jack who is being walked down the hall by his friends. I step back in shock, elijah isnt being mindful with this super powers.

I give him a look and he just walks away.


(at lunch)

"He's like a madman" I tell Denis and he believes me.

"I saw him too, isn't it cool?" His eyes light up and I sigh in frustration. He just thinks all of this is cool, what about Elijah's mental health? It's deterating.

"Look he's coming." Alex basically tells us to shut up as he sees Elijah approaching along with Ethan.

They take a seat and no one speaks a single word due to hesitance and somewhat fear, fear of elijah having another emotional breakdown.

The noise of other classmates conversing about Jack and Elijah takes over.  I notice the obvious annoyances on Elijah's face.

He stands up all of a sudden and we all look at him, anticipating for him to do something, say something but he just stands there with tears rolling down his eyes. He softly whimpers. We share a look then he slams the table, "I hate carrots." He says.

His sadness turns into rage. He screams and screams about how much he hate carrots as we stare in disbelief. It's kind of funny but it soon takes a serious turn when his emotions take a toll on Jack, again.

Elijah is officially overpowered. He throws his food in the trashcan and walks away like nothing happened.

"What the fuck was that?" I state.

Denis laughs, "Our superhero!!"

I roll my eyes.

"No Denis, this is scary." Alex says. He is the only one who understands this situation with me.


Sub never has anything to say on this matter, Ethan scoffs and walks away too.

We continue on with our lunches then classes.


I am in the last class of the day. I am staring out the window, day dreaming of being a successful artist. I chuckle when I remember Elijah saying I should draw a naked portrait of him and get famous off it.

I then get a message notification from Alex. I open it and it reads, "Elijah attacked Nathan, school's out early."

This just makes me even more worried about Elijah. He's been so destructive. I pack my bag and leave with the rest of the class.

My eyes scan the whole premesis for Elijah but he is nowhere to be seen. I want to confront him and ask him a very important question.

I dont care if he's being an emotional wreck right now. I know I will get my old Elijah back. I want him to be my boyfriend.

"Meet me at our spot." I text him and make my way to the woods. I witness Elijah being in a very cheery mood. He runs up to me with a big smile on his face.

"Look at it! all six of them are red!" He shows his bracelet to me. It actually looks kind of pretty.

"That's so cool!" I smile at him and hold his hand. I know Elijah has been an emotional mess but I dont care if, I know I will get my old Elijah back. I want him to be my boyfriend.

I take a deep breath and look into his pretty eyes. The room goes silent for a moment as he pushes my hair out of my face.

"Elijah, will you be my boyfriend?" I finally ask. His eyes light up and he looks like he's about to cry and smile at the same time.

"Yes!!" He screams loudly at me. I give him a weird look and pull him in for a kiss.

We break off and I decide to confront him, "Elijah, you've been an emotional wreck lately."

"What do you mean?"

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