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(next day)

I wake up and try to put the bracelet thing past me. I decide to take it off and put it away in my drawer forever but then have I am met with a connundrum, something is telling me to leave it on. Just try once more.

I do neither one of those things. I dont wear the bracelet and neither do I put it away in my drawer. I put it in my pocket just in case.

Then I get ready for another miserable day of school. I run into Ethan on my way to the bathroom, we just bat eyes and say nothing. It's crazy how you can go from loving a person to them becoming a stranger.


(at school)

First period is math, of course! I drag myself into class and sit down. I probably have my resting bitch face on and still someone dares to talk to me.

"Do you have an extra pencil?" The guy next to me who has dark curly hair, asks me.

"Yeah." I give one to him and he thanks me.

"I think it should be illegal to have math as 1st period." He says.

I scoff, "I know right! The first thing I wanna do after waking up is to go back to sleep, no to study about numbers!!"

He laughs, "Cant people solve their problems on their own? Why do I have to calculate the mass of the sun for them?"


"I'm sub." He introduces himself.

"I'm Elijah." I reply. We continue to talk for a while and I can already tell we are going to be best friends.

It's rare to have a connection with people, effortlessly for me at least. It comes to Ethan naturally. I am glad I found Sub today though.

He is just what I need to get me through the hell hole which high school is. Having friends always helps.

(time skip)

It is lunch time and I take my food to the bathroom, I dont want to relive what happened yesterday at lunch. I want to be low key today.

I step back out of shock, it happened again. I see y/n in the men's bathroom and I go into panic mode. She is smoking a cigarette this time.

She notices me and smiles at me. I freeze in place. She walks over to me and puts out the cigarette on my arms. I whimper.

"Peace, bitch." She leaves with a wide smile on her face. That was an interesting interaction. She seems to be in a weird mood. Curiosity gets the best of me and I follow her out.

She doesnt notice my presence and we get pretty far but Sub stops me.

"Do you wanna have lunch with me and my friends?" He asks.

I watch ahead of me and see y/n's silllohuete disappear. I take up Sub's offer and he takes me to the table where his friends are at.

I sit down and feel nervous. It's hard to navigate through a group of strangers when you have social anxiety creeping up on you.

"Hey I'm denis!" The tallest one of the bunch says. I give him a weak smile in response.

"I'm Corl and this is Alex." The one with blue eyes introduces himself then points at the guy in glasses sitting next to him.

"You only had to introduce yourself not me!" Alex says.

"Well you're british, What if he's allergic to british accents?" Corl smiles sheepishly.

I smile a little at his joke, "No! I think british accents are nice!" I say.

"See! You people should be grateful that you're friends with me!" Alex speaks with a hint of sass in his voice and crosses his arms.

Corl rolls his eyes and Denis and Sub laugh.

"This is Elijah by the way, He's shit at math so I thought he'd be a great addition to our friend group!!" Sub introduces me and I dont know what to do.

"Fuck yeah!!" Denis exclaims and the rest of the boys join him. I feel included for once, I think i have finally found a place where I belong. I feel happy.


"You see that nasty twat! He was the one who pushed me in the hallway earlier today!!" Alex points at Jack, throwing his food at the ceiling to see if it stick or not.

"That's Jack." I say.

"Well he's stupid." Corl laughs.

"And a dickhead." I reply and everyone seems to agree. We bond over how much of an asshole Jack is. He has treated all of us poorly at one point.

"Let's band together and stand up against him if he ever bullies one of us again!!" Denis lays out this idea and we all agree.

I cant believe I have a support system now. I love these guys so much.

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