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Dear diary,

It's been a few weeks since I met Sub and his friends. These have been the best weeks of my life,  I am so glad to have these guys in my life. We hang out after school almost everyday and I have opened up to all of them. I enjoy their companies a lot and we've even ditched school together on multiple occasions.

that's that and i had the same interaction with y/n many times these past weeks. I run into her smoking and she puts out the cigarette on my arm. It hurts but it intrigues me. Why? Also Jack and y/n have been picking on me, beating me up together. Even my pals cant save me all the time. This makes me hate y/n, I'm so angry at her and her actions. I can't believe she'd go this far to make her brother happy.

Anyway, the guys have helped me get over her and today is Corl's birthday!!!! I am so excited, It's gonna be like a close get together with only us. It's in half an hour, I should get ready!


I think I should dress up for once, this party means a lot to me. I pick out a suit from my closet and try it on. I inspect myself in the mirror and I like the outfit. I let my parents know and leave the house.

On the way, I buy him a present. I choose an expensive watch, Corl had told me he has a passion for collecting watches so I know he is going to love this. I can't help but smile as I walk into the direction of his house.

My smile fades away when I get closer, I can hear obnoxious music and a huge crowd talking. The lights are dim and there's too many people in there. Wasn't this suppose to be a small party with just us?

I hesitantly enter his house and make my way through the drunken crowd. I walk for a bit then finally spot Corl, he is drinking a bottle of whisky and dancing in the middle of the room. He looks like he is having the time of his life.

I am about to approach him but then my eyes land on Jack and his goons, he invited Jack!??!? I thought Corl was better than this. I walk up to him, "Why'd you invite the jocks? and why are so many people here??" 

Corl seems unbothered and out of it. He doesn't reply to me and just smiles at me. I roll my eyes and look for the rest of the guys. I walk from rooms to rooms and I don't see them so I go outside and see all of them sitting by the pool. I go join them.

"What the fuck?" I state.

"This party is a shitshow, we know." Alex folds his arms.

"Why'd he even invite the jocks? Why'd you guys let him?" I ask.

"We didn't fucking let him! We had no part in this!" Denis sounds agressive.

"He said he invited everyone." Alex states. Sub doesn't say anything, he is sitting in the corner and spectating everything fall apart.

"But don't you guys realise how much shit Jack has put me through. If he was my real friend, Corl never would have invited him." I am on the verge of tears.

"JaCk hAs pUt ME tHrOuGH sHIt, it's always about you! I'm fucking tired of this shit." Denis mocks me and stands up. I step back in fear.

"Go fuck yourself." He pushes me out of his way and Alex follows him, "Love, calm down please." 

"I'm sorry." Sub says to me before following Denis out with Alex too.

I feel fucking reckless and I don't understand why Denis is being a dickhead. He has always been so nice to me. Actually I am not even that angry at him, I can tell something is going on in his life. I think and keep walking.

Out of the corner of my eyes I see, Jules. I walk to her and say, "Hi." I don't what I am doing.

"Leave me alone, creep." She throws her drink on my face, I wasn't even doing anything. I just needed someone to talk to, I needed a distraction not a face burn.

"Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you!" Jack, along with his friends steps in on purpose to look like the heros even though I never was the villian. I didn't do anything to Jules.

"What are you doing! We need to teach you a lesson." Noah states and shares a look with his friends. Ethan isn't with them today so it's just the 5 of them.

I have given up at this point. I don't care if they beat me up, this day has already gone to shit. What more can they even do to ruin it and ruin me? All of them form a circle around me and start to beat the shit out of me. 

I am helpless, I crawl up into a ball and lay on the ground. I take the beating, I feel all those negative feelings cramp up inside of me again. I don't feel anger, only misery and dismay this time. Then the bracelet comes into my mind, I look for it in my pocket and it's still there.

I put it around my wrist because it's my last hope. This is the perfect time to test it out, let's see if it works this time or not. I wait for a solid minute and nothing happens, I start to sob violently as I realise this bracelet is useless and I am not going to get out of here in walking condition.

Then suddenly I don't feel anyone kicking me, I open my eyes and the jocks look scared of me, let me emphasize they look scared of ME. I notice that Trent has a nosebleed and he is complaining of a headache too.

"Are you a witch, dipshit?" Jack asks me with terror in his eyes. I freeze in place. 

"I'm scared." Noah says then he whispers something into Jack's ears which I couldn't hear. I feel all of them pick me up and take me inside, I try get down but they don't let me then the push me inside the bathroom.

"Let me out!!" I try to run out but they lock me in. I slide down the door and bury my head into my knees, I see the bracelet which now has 2 red rings. They used to be golden. I don't know what the fuck is happening to me? Why me? Why'd I find this bracelet? What is my purpose?

I would flush this down the toilet right now but it saved me today. Do I have superpowers? What happens when all the rings turn red? I am having an epiphany and I don't even have my phone on me. How do I get myself out of this bathroom?

I make eye contact with the window. It's not that high up, I should take the risk. I open the window and stare at the ground. It's not gonna be a big fall but I might get hurt. I take a deep breath and contemplate for a moment before eventually giving in.

I jump out the window and land on the ground, I hurt my foot in the process a bit. I hold it and moan out in pain, "Shit." I mumble under my breath.

"Are you okay?" I hear a female voice which startles me. I realise it's y/n, I don't want to talk to her. I ignore her and continue to walk even though I am struggling to without support.

"Elijah, do you want me to help you?" she offers and I say nothing. She keeps following me, she actually seems a bit worried.

"Please, let me just!" She holds me and helps me walk. I am too busy feeling her touch that I forget to ignore or deny her.

"Are you sure, you'll be able to walk all the way home? is it near?" She asks, softly.

"It's far from here actually." I reply.

"You can crash at mine today, it's only a few steps away!" She smiles and I nod in agreement. She is being nice to me today and she seems to give a fuck about me unlike everyone else, even my own friends.

"Can I ask you something?" I speak.


"Why do I always keep finding you in the men's restrooms?" I laugh.

"Hey! It's not always! It's whenever the women's restrooms have long lines." She replies as we reach her house. It looks quite dull and empty, maybe her parents are out somewhere. 

I can't wait for the things that'll unfold once I get into her place.

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