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I wake up and get ready to live my best fucking life. This bracelet isn't a curse, it's a blessing. I am so thankful that I stumbled upon it in the forest. I put on my favorite hoodie and eat breakfast with family. We engage in conversation then the bus arrives. Me and Ethan sit together.

"So what happens when all the rings turn red?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

I shrug my shoulder in response to his question.

"Do you even know how to make all the rings turn red?" He looks at me. I feel an uncomfortable sensation in my stomach. I obviously havent told him about how I have to hurt him to make all the rings turn red.

"uhh maybe." I reply out of panic.

"How?" He asks. I tap my foot against the floor.

"You can trust me, cmon! I'm your twin brot-" I speak over Ethan out of panic, "I have to hurt all 7 of the jocks to make the rings on my bracelet turn red."

He smiles wide, "That's easy enough. You already got 4 of them, 4 men down! only three to go, i say go for Jack next and then Nathan, uhhh then... oh, it's me next." The realisation finally sets in.

"I'd never hurt you, Ethan." I assure him. He nods in agreement and then stares out the window for the rest of the ride.


I keep my head up and walk through the halls, no one's eyes are on me and I like that. Suddenly, I feel someone pushing me against the lockers, it's Jack and he has an enraged look on his face. I smile at him to trigger him even more.

"I got fucking ground because of your punk ass yesterday." He screams into my face. y/n's plan worked out.

Before he can hurt me, I hurt him. Jack falls to the ground with blood gushing out of the veins in his arms. I smile and walk away in pride as all the kids in the hallway stand around him and create a scene.

I keep replaying what happened in my head and I'm met with inner peace but due to me being distracted, I run into y/n. She has a curious look on her face and a bag of cheetos in her hands.

"What's going on over there?" she asks.

"I kicked your brother's ass." I smile wide.

"Indirectly." She states.

"Indirectly." I have to agree. I didn't do it, my superpowers did.

Then I notice y/n open her bag of cheetos the wrong way. That just feels wrong and I get a feeling of discomfort in my stomach. I simply tell y/n that isn't the right way to do it and that she shouldn't be eating before class.

Then I start to cough uncontrollably, I feel tears building up under my eyelids.

"I'm fine!!"I tell y/n and then my eyes land on my classmates taking Jack to the nurse, they walk past me and all of my negative tension ends up affecting him. He falls to the ground with a nosebleeds and faints completely. I don't regret it, to be honest.

I and y/n share a look and I make my way to the class non chalantly.


(at lunch)

Everyone is talking about Jack and how he is apparently in critical condition. I wish people weren't so dramatic. I stare at the lunch on my plate, it irks. It's your typical crusty school meal. I gaze over at the carrots, I feel like throwing up and putting this place on fire or something.

"I hate carrots." I get up and all my friends stare at me. 

I roll my eyes and throw away the food. The carrots made me feel so negatively that I end up affecting Jack again. He gets a nosebleeds and complains of a headache. That makes me feel better. So what if I felt anger, at least I put it to good use. My friends look like they are judging me so I walk away from the lunch room. I'll just wander off I guess.

While walking, I see a poster. It's an audition invitation for a play. I've always had a passion for acting but my social anxiety always got in the way. With my superpowers and my new perspective on life, I've been feeling confident lately. I think I can do it.

I decide to audition for the lead role. I get called in instantly as everyone is at lunch so the teacher's are free. They tell me to memorise a few lines and then perform, I do just that. They tell me to check the results tomorrow.

That felt nice, I wasn't nervous like I thought I would be. I dont care if land the role or not, I am just happy that I took such a big step. I don't wanna keep missing out on opportunities just because I'm an introvert.

At the audition, I even forgot I have social anxiety. It's like the more I use this bracelet the more it affects me positively. I look at the 5 glowing red rings on it, the bracelet is growing stronger just like I am.


It's the last class of the day and I am reunited with my brother. Chemistry is the only class we share. I tear a page from my notebook and write in it, "Jack embarrased himself today." I fold it up and pass it to Ethan.

He takes it without the teacher noticing then I see him writing back to me, he hands the page back to me. I open it up and it says, "You have the nurses worried sick about him."

I roll my eyes and write, "They are going to have another jock to worry about now." as soon as I hand the page to Ethan. Everyone in the class turns Nathan. I make him faint. The teacher rushes him to the nurse and I smile at Ethan.

We get dismissed early all because of me, Ethan should be thankful. I decide not to ride the bus with him and go meet up with y/n at our spot.


(at the forest)

I see y/n and I am instantly in a good mood, being around her makes me happy. She doesn't even need to talk and I'm over the moon. I auditioned for a play in front of 5 people! and y/n doesn't hate me also I got revenge on Jack. I've come so far.

"Look at it! all six of them are red!" I show my bracelet to y/n. I didn't even realise they had all turned red till now.

"That's so cool!" her smile melts me.

y/n holds my hand and the whole atmosphere of the room changes, she goes silent for a moment. I push the hair out of her face and make her look at me.

"Elijah, will you be my boyfriend?" She asks. My eyes lit up and I smile wide. The prettiest girl I've ever known is asking me to be her boyfriend. I'm going to cry tears of happiness, everything in life is going right for once.

"Yes!!" I practically scream at her. y/n looks at me funny then pulls me in for a kiss. It is a magical one. I pull her in closer by her waist as she plays with my hair. I can't help but smile through the kiss.

We break off and she looks me in the eyes. i get shy and pull away.

"Elijah, you've been an emotional wreck lately." She says out of no where.

"What do you mean?"

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