The watchful eye

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AN: This story is gay (I want to cover more audiences) so if you're gonna be uncomfortble reading this, I have other stories that you might enjoy. <3


From a very young age, we hear stories of love, magic, courage, and beauty. They allow our minds to adventure to far off places, to learn lessons that might otherwise be boring. Alas, our entire lives, we are told to keep these stories in our minds, and see them as make-believe. But what if they're not?

     A girl stands in the snow, shrouded in both beauty and ice. Her wild hair is pulled into a tight braid, white as the frost that glistens upon it. She turns her head slightly as a clump of ice falls from a nearby tree. Her crystal-blue eyes glisten in the lights, examining every snowflake as it falls. She lifts her skirt and takes a step deeper into the woods, looking almost sad to go back. She then disappears behind a tree, fading into the darkness. Marian runs her fingers through her short black hair, exhaling. She had watched this mysterious being, a queenly figure, for years now. Marian pulled up the legs on her pants and walked back to her little house, the frozen ground crackling below her shoes. The evening had come, leaving everything colder than it was prior. Her freezing hands came up to the collar of her shirt, pulling it up around her mouth. She still had things to do, and it was getting dark fast. She ran to the village square, barely catching the baker before his curfew. 

"Michael! Please.. don't close just yet. Do you have that loaf of bread I asked for?"

"Marian, you need to learn time. Not all of us spend our days in the fields, you know.." Michael responded, reluctantly getting the bread out of the box. Marian paid the fee and ran back to her cottage, going numb from the cold. She got inside and closed the door against the wind, before running and starting a fire. She got out her bread and cut off a piece, sitting in front of the fire to keep out of the cold. She soon finished it and went to get a blanket, but stopped at the window. When she looked out, her eyes were met with a piercing blue that she knew all too well. She opened the door and stuck her head out in the snow, but saw nothing.

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