𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐢𝐱: "You mean nothing to them!"

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𝙰𝚕𝚎𝚡𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚊'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

I sit in a dark room. My body bound to a steel chair placed beneath a low hanging light that barely lit up the area surrounding me. My arms were chained to each arm of the chair and my feet to the legs of it. I feel a sharp pain across my cheek. I turn my head back towards the man who had been beating me for what felt like hours. Blood trickles down my face and lip. Is this what hell felt like? Again and again, strikes to my face, jaw, and nose. My head hangs low, and I could barely breath. Blows after blows I Felt like I wanted to die.

"That's enough" a deep and slightly raspy voice says ordering the Hydra agent to stop. I feel a rough hand grab my chin and tilt my head up roughly. "Hello darling" a man says. He had dark eyes and tan skin. A scar running across his face and piercing blue eyes that looked like an ocean. "I must say I'm a bit disappointed, I expected the great Alexandria Montgomery to be... something more. A world class assassin, killed hundreds, tore apart families and ruined lives... that's what I've heard but all I see is a pathetic little girl."

"Fuck off" I say spitting blood onto the man's shirt. The man lets go of my chin with a scowl and violently slaps me across the face.

"No manners" the man sighs. He walks away towards the back wall of the dingy room. On the wall was a variety of instruments meant for torture, however all he grabbed was a small pocketknife.

"What the hell do you want from me? Who are you!" I say trying to come off strong. The man stands in front of me and drags the knife across my cheek, not hard enough to draw blood.

"You don't need to know who I am" the man said simply, moving the knife from my cheek to my neck, the pressure increasing nearly cutting through my skin. "Since you're going to die anyway you might as well know why you're here I suppose. You were gifted with extraordinary power, power anyone in the world would kill for. I want your immortality, by drawing your blood and preforming a few... experiments... I could unlock the secret to your healing abilities and use it for a better purpose."

"God such a cliché, a villain who thinks they're right wanting power and immortality, where have I heard that before?" I say sarcastically rolling my eyes. The man lets out a cold laugh and swiftly drags the blade across my arm letting blood spill. I wince at the pain and bite back tears.

"You call me a villain, yet we aren't so different. We've both lied, killed, done terrible things for money and much more. The only differences are who's telling the story and that you're weak and didn't work for your powers. You don't deserve them!" The man slashed at my arm again. "With your powers I can change the world forever! I could create soldiers! Soldiers who could regenerate in mere seconds and fight non-stop! The only difference will be they won't be stopped from a collar like you, we will find the gene in you which stops your powers and tear it out of you!"

"That's why you want my power? God you're pathetic, you and all of Hydra! You must have learnt nothing from your pathetic attempt at the super soldier serum." I say laughing at the man.

"Pathetic attempt? My darling our super soldier serum was successful for decades! The winter soldier, your beloved James Barnes was a killing machine and did all our dirty work with a few simple words" the man hissed. I let out a shaky breath at the thought of Bucky.

"What makes you think you can eliminate the gene before the Avengers find me! They'll find me and beat you into the ground, if not I'll do it myself once I'm free from these chains!"

The man yells in frustration and slams the blade into my hand. I yell in pain, and I try to yank my elf from the chains, but it was no use. I was helpless.

"You really think the Avengers will help you? A murderer and their little plaything, they only used you for your abilities! They didn't care for you just what you could do! The director and the heroes fear you, why do you think they wanted that collar!" The man yelled sticking another knife into my hand making me yell in pain. "They don't love you, you're a monster! A monster they feared and felt the need to control! You mean nothing to them!"

"That's not true!" I deny and scream. I feel tears fall from my eyes and mix with the blood and wounds on my face. I shake my body violent try to free myself from the chair.

"You have so much faith in them, it's pathetic. While we're at it I'll remove any emotions from my soldiers as well, they don't need things like love holding them back." I stare at the ground. Maybe I deserved this for everything I've done. Maybe I am a monster.

"Bucky please save me..." I sob quietly to myself, "please."

"You can plead for your beloved winter soldier all you want but it will be no use. He may come for you, but he won't make it far, I promise you that" the man pulled the knives from my hands and handed them to the agent who was beating me before. "Grab the doctor, tell him his patient is waiting for him..."

"What?" I say anxious. I watch with wide eyes as the man walks away and in walks a woman in a white coat carrying a syringe of blue liquid. "Stop, what are you doing?" I ask the woman, but she acts as if she doesn't hear me.

"Hold still please" she says unbothered. "The less you struggle the less it will hurt."

"Stop- No! Get away from me!" I kick and yell, but I can't stop it. She plunges the syringe into my skin and injects me with the liquid. "STOP!"

I finally updated this story it's a miracle! I will be updating another chapter today hopefully. :)

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