𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞: "Alexandria you're in denial"

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𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚢'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

Oh you've done it now James. You freaked her out! You said 'I love you'! She's already going through so much, fuck she almost died today! Then Fury has to be a dick and now you have scared her off so bad she has decided to go to therapy willingly. I sit on my bed with my head in my hands. Why did I do that? Why am I so stupid? I snap out of my thoughts at the sound  my door opening and in walks Steve.

"You alright Buck? You left as soon as Alex did" Steve sits next to me on my bed. I groan in annoyance.

"I messed up Steve. I said that I loved her and kissed her, I ruined everything." I put my hands in my head trying to forget what just happened.

"Wait you kissed her! How is that ruining everything? You like her don't you?" Steve asked.

"Of course I like her! But now she is willingly going to therapy and she also pulled back in the middle of our kiss".

"But did she kiss you back?"

"Well, I mean yeah but still. She hates me and I just kissed her and confessed my love for her!" I look up at him desperately.

"How do you know she hates you?" I deadpan at Steve. Did he really just ask that with a straight face?

"She has said it multiple times and has tried to stab me."

"You've done the exact same thing to her and you still like her".

"Yes, but that doesn't prove anything".

"Bucky she's a highly trained assassin, the deadliest wo- no person in the world. If she really wanted to, she would have killed you in your sleep or when you two were on the balcony together"

"How do you know about the balcony?"

"We have cameras man. And if she really hated you, then she wouldn't have just let you pin her down or restrain her all those times you fought, well more like flirted, but anyway. The point is she doesn't hate you, whether she realises it or not, she likes you too. You've both been through so much and Alexandria obviously doesn't always know how to deal with her emotions. Just give her time" Steve walks out of my room and closes the door behind him. Maybe he was right, maybe she did like me after all. I smile to myself and lay down in the double bed thinking of her. God how could she ever like a broken man like me?

𝙰𝚕𝚎𝚡𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚊'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

"Alexandria what are you doing here? Training isn't for another two days and I thought you'd be in a hospital bed. Stark told me about your little incident" Strange says stopping his conversation with Parson. I close the Sanctum door behind me and make my way over to them. "Have you realised my training isn't so useless after all?"

"Stop with the 'I told you so' attitude Strange. I have a lot on my mind and need to focus on something other than stress and pain."

"Alexandria you seemed distressed what's wrong?" Parson looks at me with sympathy. I honestly can't decide if I hate it or not.

"Let's just say some one told me something that I was not ready to hear. I either want to just talk about it and know what it means or just take my frustration out on some bad guys" Strange and Parson look between each other. Maybe this was a mistake, Parson is just meant to help me with my anger issues not my personal life and Strange couldn't give two shits about me.

"Alex you almost died today, maybe-" Strange started before Parson cut him off.

"Why don't we do both, you do some training while I ask you some questions" Parson gives me a smile before sitting on a stool in the corner of the room. She takes out her note book and pen and pushes back her blond hair. Strange glides over to me and suddenly we're in the mirror dimension and a hydra agent appears in front of me.

"Okay first question" Parson starts. The agent runs towards me and lunges at me. I punch and kick him as Parson continues, "What exactly did this person tell you?"

"Do I have to tell you?" I grab a dagger from my pocket and stab the agent.

"Yes Alex you do if you want my help, open up a little" I roll my eyes. Three more agents appear and they start to attack me.

"Fine. They told me they love me and I don't know what to do" I get out a gun and shoot one of the agents in the foot and shoulder.

"Why weren't you ready to hear this? Do you not love this person back?" I take down one of the agents with a kick to the chest.

"Because I thought they hated me, they tried to kill me. Now all of a sudden they love me and care about me. It doesn't make sense and I have no idea how I feel about them and I have no idea why they decided now to tell me" An agent comes up behind me and puts me in a choke hold. I elbow them in the stomach and use their arm to flip them over onto the ground.

"Well maybe they decided to tell you now because they thought they were going to lose you. And as for them hating you, Do they really hate you or is that just what you've been telling yourself because you don't know what else to do?" Parson said writing in her notebook. I thought for a moment, did Barnes really hate me? Am just lying to myself?

"Well h- they have said they hate me multiple times and have chased me with a knife" I strike another agent. "We are constantly insulting each other, attacking each other, pinning each other down."

"Didn't need to know that last part but okay" Strange said from the side line.

"Alex are you talking about James Barnes?" Parson looked at me with amusement.

"Maybe. Why does it matter who I'm talking about?"

"Well you both are stubborn, violent. Your both fragile people with messed up pasts, maybe this was his way of showing you he cared. You both don't know how to express your feelings but maybe you did it back too subconsciously, I think you're in denial." I punch another agent knocking them to the ground so hard the floor cracked.

"I am not in denial. I don't love Barnes and he doesn't love me. He's just insane".

"Alexandria you're in denial" 

"I'm not in denial! He's annoying! He's constantly making snide remarks and trying to get a reaction out of me! He's always looking at me and trying to corner me. His stupidly handsome face always looks so punch-able and he is always staring at me with those gorgeous blue eyes looking at me like a piece of meat!" I kick an agent into the wall and feel a surge of power go through me. It felt electrifying. It felt like strength I had never had before. 

"Why about that time on the balcony, in your room, and earlier at the bar. You kissed him back, didn't you?" I stop attacking the agents and my eyes widen. How did she know? "Stark doesn't know but I am an  telepath. I guess that's why I'm so good at my job." I take down one last agent before looking back to Parson. She's a telepath? 

"If you could read my mind all this time why make me answer questions you already know the answers to?" I ask confused. 

"Because you needed to say it yourself and accept it. Alex whether you want to admit it or not, you care for Barnes. Maybe even love. Instead of pushing your feelings away you need to accept them. I suggest talking to Bucky too, he's probably distressed about the whole thing right now" Parson sets down her note book and pen on the stool and looks to Strange. Strange nods and pulls us out of the mirror dimension and back into the sanctum. "You should go now Alex, our session is over." 

"Wait-" and with the wave of his hand, Strange sends me back to the tower through a portal. I stare at him in defeat as he and Parson disappear. I look around and realise I'm not in the living room of the tower or anywhere else I recognise. I look to my left and see Bucky lying down, I'm assuming is his bed, and staring up at the ceiling. 


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