HIKE - a pleasure (or not)

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We were climbing hiiiiiiigghhh! on the short mountain we chose and then I lost my balance. Soon the gravity pulled me towards the bottom.
I grab a rock and Dyll pulls me up. I was in severe pain & something was not right. I...I couldn't stand properly. Lisa was in complete shock and so was I. Dylan somehow takes me back to the hotel room and calls an ambulance.
I wished to see my home and family the last time before I die today, I couldn't bare this pain😔
"Welcome new home. Here I come heaven"

...the last thing the remember was they all taking me in the Van.
I opened my eyes in the hospital room filled with 2 long faces of Lisa n Dyll and the doctor putting some injection into me. I wasn't feeling any pain. Is that anaesthesia?

"What happened?" I asked.
The doctor said
"Miss, u had a great injury. We did a surgery on you and U won't be able to walk for like a year? or maybe not ever, which I Ofc not hope... I'm sorry we really tried everything we could. Now it's up to you. Stay positive & don't panic, that's not good for you rn"

She said them so beautifully I couldn't panic. Somewhere it still seemed okay. I simply asked if I can talk to one of them and Dylan sent Lisa.
We talked for a while, she comforted me however she could while I could hear Dylan crying outside loud and clear.

From that day, we three fell awfully silent as they both were just busy with me and my health & were so worried about me.

2 years later
It took me 2 years to recover coz I wanted not to recover. I just wanted them to care for me like that forever. I gave up struggling to stand upright. I accepted my fate, this is what God had planned for me.But all these changed & I eventually became normal. Not gonna lie, this wheelchair was a pain in the butt though.

Dylan's POV:
These years were crazy! I was so shocked to know she won't be able to even stand.
This accident has left several scars and a lot of permanent stress on her. At first I felt like I was about to loose the most precious thing of my life when she fell off. She started to say senseless stuffs like she's gonna die. But now she's fine. Finally. I'll always take care of her. I won't let any damn thing take her away from me. 

Today she's going to the interview she applied for a month ago. I'll drive her there.
She always wins and so will she today too.

We reached there safely.
"I believe in you darlin, you'll do great" then we made out...

"Thanks Dyll, I love ya. Make some pancakes for me. Bye"

After getting back home I made her pancakes and did other stuffs. In the evening, I was waiting for her call but she didn't call me. It's too late, where was she?

"Surprise dear!!!! Look back."

I turn around. She was there with a grand bouquet and some snacks. Guess she took the extra key.

"Gosh I was so worried Lily, why too late? And what are these for?"

"Patience babe. I went to buy these ok so I am late and this is for you😘 with your help I got the mighty position in that office. Also I plan to become it's boss soon✌️"

"Thanks, that's a great news!"

After we had dinner she seemed hopelessly excited.

"Dyll let's now go to the park u took me years ago."

"it's too late for that babe"

"It's not Dyll, Pleaseee take me otherwise I won't talk to you"

"You stubborn cutie, I don't even remember that park, you take me"

"Fine, come into the car"

I hoped into the car in order to see what she had planned today. I was sure it's gonna be something unexpected.
We reach the ground where we rain kissed. All those memories were running like a movie in my mind. We talked a lot about them. Then she went to the car to lock it and bring some things. Even after 15 mins she didn't return, it felt wrong. I started searching for her but she's nowhere to be found. Where could she even disappear in these few mins? I called her and it said switched off. At the very moment Lisa called me.

"Hello, Dylan!"

"Yes? What's wrong Lisa?"

"No time to explain Dylan, just come to the other end of the park. Lilly is in a trouble here. Come here"

"What the hell, what happened hey..."
And she disconnected the call. I knew something was wrong when her phone got switched off. I rushed there ASAP.

It felt a little weird yet fun to do. I could not ruin my sister's surprise right.😆 I saw him coming here running with all his force. As soon he reached here, as per the plan I switched on the lights and went away to see the show.

The blue lights suddenly started glowing in a random pattern exposing the beauty of the flowers designed carefully there. I saw there was a dinner table set for probably me? And Lily sitting on a chair. Also Lisa was nowhere there. Lily got up of the chair, smiling towards me and gets down on her one knee saying...

"Dear Dylan Santiago, Will You Marry Me?💗"

I couldn't believe what she just said. I stared at her & the beautiful engagement ring for like 3-5 minutes and said "YESSS!" That too after she repeated herself the second time. I was still in shock while she was putting on the ring in my finger. I could say, she was a bit tensed too.

"Well Dylan, I'm really sorry to make you worry about me. As you see I'm fine and with you by my side I'll always"

"Lily, that's okay😄 though I really thought you're hurt by something. But how did you manage doing all these in few minutes?"

"Who said I did these all. Lisa helped me in this arrangement since this morning. She must be here somewhere or left but she decorated the whole place with the flowers of her own shop and I cooked these for us. Have a seat babe. Here are all your fav dishes what do ya wanna eat first?"

"Thanks a lot Lily. I may have given you many surprises but never thought you will surprise me like This 💗"

"Ow you're so sweet Mr. Jerk now eat. We gotta go home too it's past midnight"

"Yes ma'am😘"

We went home and cuddled the whole night.
Lily told her mother about yesterday and I told my family too. They all were happy except my Mom. She says I should've informed in advance but how would I know earlier that she planned this whole thing for me.

Later after few months we planned our wedding as well 😌

Author: yasssss they gonna marry😙😆
Oct 13

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