So I went to the tower and down to the lab ignoring everyone. I got out a picture of Talia and put it on the table. "Jarvis see what Talia would look like from this picture and now, 8 years later." I saw the photo of her 16 year old self and now, 23 years old. It looked almost exactly like the girl I saw today in the cafe.

The team doesn't know I have a sister, and now I think should be the time that they found out. "Jarvis print 5 pictures of her now." Right on it sir. Jarvis was my AI who I named after my dad's best friend.

Once the picture were printed I headed upstairs to the living room where I hoped everyone would be. I was happy and anxious that they were. I walked over clutching the papers of my little sisters picture to my chest.  I stood in front of the tv so Steve paused it. "Don't tell me we have a mission already." Nat said. I shake my head and pull up a chair.

I clear my voice, "I have something to tell you all." My voice wavered for a second and I didn't care that I looked vulnerable and stupid. I needed her back. "What is it?" Nat said as she moved to put an arm on my shoulder. "I need you all to listen and don't ask any questions till I am done talking." "Of course Tony." Bruce said. I nod and Nat sat down.

"As you all know I was in a car crash with my mom and dad when I was 18." They all nod telling me to continue. "W-well I have a sister who is 2 years younger then me. She was there to." I saw Thor open his mouth. "No please." I shake my head and wipe my eyes.

"Well we got separated because I was in a coma for a month. I was just one day shy of getting custody of her. One day." My voice broke again. "I was at the coffee shop just down the block and I felt a pair of eyes on me so I looked up and saw her, I think. She had the same forest green eyes I remember, and our mothers dark almost black hair along with her eyes. I realized it was her just a second to late. Just one, again I was to slow." I sniffed as my shaking hands passed out the pictures to them all. I kept one for myself so Steve and Natasha looked at one.

"That was her. Its been 8 almost 9 years. So I am asking, please, I-I need her back, please. She's the only thing I have left. I am almost 100 percent that was her. Her name is Talia Hazel Stark. But you all need to know..." I trail off evening out my breath. "What?" Clint said softly. "She has powers. 5 of them, she can control, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space." "The 5 elements of Nature. Fascinating." Bruce whispers. "She isn't dangerous. She knows how to control them, but if HYDRA found out..." I trailed off, chills envelope my body as I think of the possibilities.

"You sure it was her?" Steve asks, I nod. "Please help me find her. It can be when we aren't doing any missions. When we are free. Clint you can look on top of roofs, Steve you can scope the ground with Nat, Bruce she walked to the cafe so I means that she lives close. Like an apartment maybe. You could do some research or something. Please I'm begging you all, help me find my sister."

"Of course Tony." Nat said I nod. "We don't have anything planned for a while." Steve says, I look at all of them. "Really you'll do it today?" I say in total shock. "Of course Tony." Clint says I smile widely. "Thank you!! Thank you all I will be in the lab, keep me updated." I smile and run out of the room, hearing laughter behind me.

Don't worry Talia I will find you, even if it's the last thing I do. We will be together.

Talia's P.O.V.

I wake up the next day with a sore back. I realize I am on the couch. I look at the time and see it is 9 in the morning. I have work in an hour so I get up, plugging in my phone and taking a shower. Then I get dressed in a black skirt with a white top with some heels.

I curl and brush my hair then I do some makeup. When I am done I quickly eat and grab my things, alone with a hat. I drap a cardigan on my arm and walk out. I get a feeling in my stomach so I look up and see a figure on rooftops. I could tell it was a guy giving the huge muscles, the tall ness and short hair.

I knew it was Hawkeye. I look around and saw Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers walking my way. Damn you Tony. I put on the cardigan and grab my hair, putting it into the hat. I made myself look like I had short hair that was barely past my chin. I then lowered the hat on my head and walked by.

I could feel that one of their eyes were on me but I didn't know who's. I quicky glanced up and saw Steve looking. At me, but it looked like he didn't recognize me. So I looked away and got on my day. When I arrived at the restaurant I took off my hat and cardigan.

I ran my fingers through my hair and put my things in the back along with he other waiters and waitresses. When that was done I turned my phone on silent and walked out, puting on an apron. Within half an hour the day was busy. I served as many tables as I could and even more. I could tell the others were impressed.

But when I saw Natasha and Steve come in, I looked at the closest person near me which was a small teenager girl who looked to be 17. I walked over and she eyed me, probably intimidating her. "I'm so sorry but I am full could you get table 34 for me? I'm Talia by the way." I held out my hand with a smile and she toon it after a moment. "Callie and sure." I smiled at her, "Thank you." I walked away and continued in with my job, careful they didn't spot me. If Tony ever found me I would be giving him a punch. He was the most stubborn person above, but this reassured me that he wants me and that he wants to bond again.

I just hoped the world was different from when I was young and that if he ever found me and my powers were discovered that I would be safe.

Steve Rogers Love and Tony Stark's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now