???: it's okay it wasn't your fault.

I then left my head and looked at the girl and not gana lie.... she's pretty.

Mugino POV

After this boy picked me up and ran away from the guard we somehow made it to the roof top. I asked him to put me down after he did he apologized but i told him it was okay.

Now that i look at him he looks like a rabbit if i have to be honest

Mugino: so what where you doing back there?

Boy: oh well i was thinking to myself and when I turned the corner i heard those two screaming in which i "kindly" told them to be quiet.

In short he knocked them out

Mugino: say what's your name? haven't seen you here.

Bell: Bell cranel, you?

Mugino: Mugino shizuri.

Bell POV

Bell: so what where you doing? You sound pretty angry.

Mugino: about that those two tried to see me change.

Bell: wow well okay then.

Bell: you were gonna do more then just scold them weren't you?

She looked surprised before smirking

Mugino: well aren't you a smart one. How'd you know?

I then chuckled a bit at that

Mugino: what's so funny?

Bell: noting it's just that my brother is like that you don't want to get the guy angry.

Mugino: what if someone made him angry?

Bell: that said person wouldn't end well that's all I'll say.

Mugino: what about for you? Will he kill you?

Bell: ofcourse not. But he gives one hell of a head chop...

I then hear mugino chuckle a bit and making me smile for some reason

Bell: well then it was nice meeting you mugino but am gonna go, bye.

I then began to walk to the edge of the building

Mugino: wait what are you doing your not gonna go back to class?

Bell: oh look at you being all worried and all thinking i was gonna kill myself.

I joked but mugino looked somewhat pissed

Mugino: tch. At least tell me what class you're in.

Bell: hestia class. you?

Mugino: Hermes class.

Bell: well again nice meeting you mugino i hope we meet again.

I then jumped of the edge and manipulated the wind around me as i flew threw the air and soon landed near a convenience store and head in.

After buying a canned coffee i walked aimlessly around the city passing random people along the way.

My walk was enjoyable that is if i didn't have someone following me i then walked to a isolated park and stopped

Bell: i know you're there what do you want?

Just then a figure came out when i turned around i saw it was a guy with a jacket brown pants and shoes

???: ha i wouldn't expect nothing more then one of the two only level six's.

I crushed my empty canned coffee as i looked at the guy

Bell: what do you want?

???: isn't it obvious am here to kill y-

I intarped him by throwing my crashed now ball canned coffee to his left eye as he screamed in pain.

I then walked up to him and grabbed his hair making him look at me.

Bell: who sent you?

He didn't say anything but whimper in pain

I then grinned hoping for this

Bell: you know there aren't any cameras around this park.

The guy looks around and sees no cameras

Bell: meaning what happens here no one will see, in short am gonna have fun kill you.

The guy looked at me in fear as I loomed over him

Bell: but am gonna give you one more chance. Who sent you.

Again he didn't answer as he still stated at me with fear.

I signed as I pulled out hestia knife this seemed to snapped the guy back to reality

??? W-wait! I-i'll tell you j-just please don't kill me!

Bell: then start talking.

???: t-the dark s-side of academy orario c-city sent me here to kill y-you they said t-that they'd pay me good i-if i did.


I clicked my tougue in annoyance

???: a-are you gonna l-let me live now?

Bell: huh oh, yeah no.

???: but you sa-

Bell: i gave you a chance to tell me what was going on from the beginning and you refused to talk then i gave you another chance and you spilled the beans I never said that i wasn't going to kill you after you told me everything.

I then grabbed his head and whisperer in his ear

Bell: you know what you remained me of? bugs there annoying pests like you when you kill one more come, but at least i won't have to see your stupid face again.

I let go of his head and look at him

Bell: but if it makes you feel any better I'll make your death painless.

Not letting him speak again i cut him down

I look at the mess i did and cringed a bit

Bell: damm, i should have gone back to class...

And that's it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed

I decided to throw mugino into the group now since the story is kinda boring....... but am gonna add new things for are main characters to do

With nothing more to say I will see you guys next time bye Byee!:)

Two Albinos in academy orario cityWhere stories live. Discover now