The OB leaves and Brianna starts crying. Diavolo walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. "This is overwhelming. I don't even think demons go through this much stuff. I don't even think we have a baby section. Our children aren't children for long." Brianna take a few deep breaths. "You smell nice. I missed your scent." Diavolo smiled. "I missed you! Okay, so we have this parenting class to do, and we can work from there." He gave her another kiss but on the lips. "Mm." "Mm, hum!" The door opens. "Alright you two, that's why we're here today." The OB laughed. "Come on the room is ready." They followed behind her as she handed them off to the technician. "This is Jennifer, and she will be doing the ultrasound. Then she will hand me the results and we can go from there." She took her leave and Brianna was asked to undress. "Just take you bottoms off, underwear included, and we will look at the baby, oh I'm sorry, babies." Brianna did what she was told, and sat on the table. "Now I will get this wand ready, and have you insert this. Here you go." After she placed the protective sleeve on it and lube, Brianna inserted it in. "Okay now I will move this around, to see the babies, and Yep. Indeed we have twins. They are right here." And she turned the monitor towards them looking at the little sacks again. Brianna smiled, and squeezed Diavolo's hand. "Okay, I will make my calculations in just a second hold on." She began clicking the mouse, tapping keys and moving the wand for better angles. After 15 minutes we got our results. "You are 9 weeks and 1 day, and the projected due date is March 18th. Sometimes babies come early, and also comes late. This is a full term calculations also, but with multiples your full term is about 36 weeks so that date is February 18th. Again these are only projected dates." They received copies of the sonogram. "I will take these to the OB, and she will come talk to you afterwards. I will have you get dressed and we will go to this smaller room afterwards." Brianna started getting dressed, and once finished followed the technician to that small room. "Just wait here, she will come talk to you soon."

As they waited Diavolo took out the other sonogram.  He was comparing the two.  "Look, they almost look the same, but I think this one got a little bit bigger.  That's incredible."  And put them in his jacket pocket.  "Are you still worried about being a parent?"  He looked over at Brianna.  "Yeah, you?"  "Well of course.  But I know we can do this, just need to decide where."  Brianna scrunched her face.  "Devildom."  Diavolo looked at her.  "What if you can't stay other me?  What if Michael says no?  What if you miss your mother and want to return to the human world to work?"  Brianna chuckled a bit. "Well, I want you to come visit me often then.  I want to see you everyday, these babies will need their father everyday.  Or we get married."  They stopped and looked at each other.  "You would marry me?"  Brianna nodded her head.  "Yes."

  The OB came back into the room to talk about the sonogram.  "Well everything looks great.  We will schedule another appointment next month.  Please try and attend those parenting classes, we greatly encourage new couples to attend.  Here is your baby cash, you get those at each appointment, and every class you attend too."  Brianna gathered her belongings and took their leave.  "Please drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables and stay active.  Thank you, bye!"  She waved and thanked them for the visit.  Once they got back into the car, they had something to talk about.  "When do you want to get married?"

"Well I'm still married to Tony, so when I get that divorce, then I'm all yours!" Brianna said as she started up the car to go back home. They sat in silence until her phone rang.

"Brianna, this is me, Tony.  Are you free right now, I wanted to talk to you about something, we can't discuss over the phone."
"Tony, what ever you have to say, you can say it now."
"See, I didn't want to say it, but can we meet at a restaurant or something. How about at the apartment?"
"The apartment would be best, I will be home in 20 minutes. Talk to you then."
"Okay, bye!"

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