True Love

273 13 18

Hope's POV
It's been two weeks, and everything is great. Ryan, and I are officially boyfriend, and girlfriend. We've went on amazing dates. He's also taking me out again tonight. He won't tell me where we are going.

Anyway, I woke up, and i haven't been having those dreams in two weeks, for some reason. I wonder why. I got out of bed, and put on my black pants, my black crop top, my black leather jacket, and my black boots. I sped downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge.

I heard the front door open, and close. I sped to the foyer, and seen Freya, Davina, Kol, Rebekah, and Elijah. I said, " What are yous doing here?"

I hugged them, and Elijah said, " Niklaus wanted to speak with us."

Kol, Elijah, and Rebekah went upstairs. I was confused, why would they come this far for Dad to speak with them.

   Freya said, " Hope. We need to speak with you. We've found something."

  I said, " I've looked, and I couldn't find anything. I've even went through some of the books at the school, and nothing."

  Davina said, " Well, this is an old New Orleans spell. Witches don't preform it anymore."

I said, " Why not?"

  Freya said, " New Orleans witches need a lot of power to preform it, and the heart of a dead witch."

  I said, " Where do you get the heart of a dead witch?"

   Davina said, " That's what your father is speaking to with your aunt, and uncles."

  I said, " Why can't we just find a dead witch?"

  Davina said, " A coven doesn't let anyone take their dead."

  I sighed, and said, " What's Dads idea?"

  Freya said, " We would rather not tell you. Just go and run the school. We will do the rest. We have to do this spell tomorrow night, since it's a meteor shower."

  I said, " Got it."

   Davina, and Freya went upstairs, and I sped to the garage. I opened the garage door, and got on my motorcycle, and drove to the school.

I arrived at the school, and parked my motorcycle. I got off, and took off my helmet, and put it in the seat of my motorcycle. I went inside the school and went to my office. I went in, and seen Mom. I said, " What's going on?"

  Mom said, " Well, Ryan told me that he was taking you out tonight."

  I said, " Yeah."

She said, " Well, I'm taking you out shopping."

I said, " I have to run the school."

  She said, " Not today."

I said, " Who's going to run the school?"

She said, " Elijah, and Kol."

I laughed, and said, " Uncle Kol running the school! Funny!"

She said, " I know, but he became responsible after marrying Davina."

I said, " Fine. But if Kol burns down the school then it's on you."

She laughed, and said, " I know."

We went outside, and went to my motorcycle. Mom said, " You drove the motorcycle?"

I said, " Yeah. Why?"

She said, " It's just I thought we could go from here to the mall."

I said, " Do you have your car?"

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