Talk with Dad

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Hope's POV
        I finished killing a guy, and then someone shows up in a red robe. I said, " Who the hell are you?"

  The guy takes off his hood, and he's handsome, and seems familiar. He said, " Hope, is that you?"

  I said, " Answer the question, unless you want to be desert."

   The guy said, " It's Ryan. Your husband."

   Then I heard someone say, " Hope. Honey. Wake up."

  I opened my eyes, and said, " Mom. What's going on?"

Caroline is my step mother, but raised me since I was 6. She also helped me mourn my mother, when she died when I was 5. Dad, and Caroline have been together for 8 years, but got married when I was 2.

  She hugged me, and I said, " Did I scream in my sleep again?"

  She said, " Yes, and you released a pulse of magic in your sleep. What's going on? You've been screaming every night, since you showed back up."

  I said, " Nothing, I'm fine. I just have a lot going on in my body. Especially, with becoming a tribrid to destroy Malivore, 4 months ago."

  She said, " Hope, I know, I'm just your step mother. But you can still talk to me about things."

  I said, " You are more than a step mother. You helped my dad raise me since I was 6. You married my dad, when I was 2. You also helped me mourn my mother, when I was 5."

  She said, " Well, if you need anything. I'm always here for you."

  I said, " I know, mom. You can go, so I can get ready."

  She nodded, and walked out of my room. I sighed, and thought about what happened this last four months. I turned into a tribrid, and defeated Malivore. I just can't help but think that something is missing from my memory. The guy from my dreams, seems so familiar.

   Anyway, I got out of bed, and put on my blue jeans, my red top, and my black boots. I sped downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it.

  Caroline's POV
      I went to the parlor to talk with Nik. I said, " Nik, I'm worried about Hope."

  He said, " What's there to worry about, love?"

  I said, " She wakes screaming, and she released a pulse of magic this morning. I think you should talk with her."

  He said, " She's probably just coming into her powers."

  I said, " Nik, She already came into her magic. She controlled her bloodlust, and her magic. There's something else."

  He said, " Well, she did defeat Malivore. I do think there's something else we are missing."

  I said, " Just talk to Hope."

  Someone said, " You don't have to talk about me behind my back."

Hope's POV

  I heard mom, and dad talking in the parlor. As I listened closer, I heard they were talking about me. I walked in, and said, " You don't have to talk about me behind my back."

  I walked out of the parlor, and went outside, and got in my red mustang, and drove to the grill. I was supposed to meet my boyfriend, here. My boyfriend is Ethan, we've been dating for a month. He doesn't know anything about Supernaturals, and I like it. He's human, and I can talk to him about anything.

  I arrived at the grill, and got out of my car. I walked into the grill, and didn't see Ethan. I sat down at a booth, and sighed.

Caroline's POV
    Hope left the house, and I sighed. Nik said, " I should've talked with her sooner. I'm sorry, love."

  I said, " Dont apologize to me. Apologize to Hope."

  He said, " How?"

  I said, " Say I'm sorry, then discuss the problem, at hand."

  He nodded, and pecked my lips.

  He started calling Hope, to see where she is.

Hope's POV
    Ethan never showed, he texted me, and it read:

E- Sorry, Hope. But I like someone else. We are over.

I sighed, and figured it wouldn't last. He's a human. I'm a tribrid, a freak of nature.
   My phone rang, and it read, 'Dad.'

  I sighed, and answered the phone. I said, " What do you want? Are you and mom done talking about me?"

  He said, " Hope, can we talk, please? Just you and me."

  I said, " Fine. I'm at the grill."

  I hung up, and took a deep breath. I ordered my food, while I was waiting for dad.

  After my food came, dad showed up, and sat down across from me. He said, " Hope, I'm happy that you allowed me to talk with you."

  I said, " Just tell me why you and mom were talking about me."

  He said, " Your mother is worried about you. You wake up screaming, and this morning, you released a pulse of magic."

  I said, " Why does everyone think there's something wrong with me?"

  He said, " Sweetheart, we are worried about you. Ever since you defeated Malivore there's something odd with you."

  I said, " Fine. Maybe there is something off. Every night I keep having the same dreams, after I defeated Malivore. It starts with me killing people, then a guy shows up in a red robe. I don't know who the guy is. But he somehow knows me."

  He said, " Anything else?"

  I said, " Yes. I feel like I'm missing parts of my memories for years. I don't know what's missing."

  He said, " We can figure it out together, littlest wolf."

  I smiled, and we talked some more.

  When we were leaving, I thought I seen the guy from my dreams, sitting at a table, but I just shook it off. Dad, and I walked out of the grill, and walked down the street, and just walked around the town square. After we walked around the square, we drove to the house, and ate dinner, then went to our own rooms.

Clarke's POV
     I seen she looked this way, and I quickly put up the menu to cover me. I sighed, as she and Klaus left, and walked down the street. She doesn't remember me. How am I going to get her memories back?!

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