Plan and Date

277 11 16

Caroline's POV
It's been three months, and Hope still can't find a spell. She had came back to Mystic Falls, to help out with the school, Last night. It seems like she gave up.

I feel bad for her, cause she was really trying to figure out what she was forgetting. Nik, Ryan, and I have decided to wait till we find a spell to tell her the whole truth. Ryan looks at Hope with the same look, Nik gives me. He's truly in love with her.

Anyway, I was in the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee. Ryan walked into the kitchen, and said, " Morning, Caroline."

I said, " Morning."

Ryan had moved in last month, Nik and I have decided to let him live here. I heard a scream, and I sped upstairs to Hope's room. I went inside, and seen her sitting up, and looking wide eyed.

I said, " Hope, What's the matter?"

Nik came into the room, and said, " Hope. Are you alright?"

Hope calmed down her breathing, and said, " I'm fine. Just a bad dream."

I said, " Are you sure?"

Nik said, " Hope, you can tell us anything."

Hope said, " I'm fine. I will be down soon."

Nik, and I nodded, and went downstairs to the foyer. Ryan stood there, and said, " Is she alright?"

I said, " Yeah. She just keeps having those dreams."

He said, " Maybe we should tell her."

Nik said, " Ryan is right. We should tell her."

I said, " She will most likely end up wondering what's wrong with all of us."

Ryan said, " What if I just show her the memories?"

Nik said, " She will think that someone put those memories into your head."

I said, " I got it. What if Ryan asks Hope out, and then he takes her on dates that they both did, when they were together?"

Ryan smiled, and said, " That's a great idea, Caroline."

    I said, " Thank you. Now, ask her when she comes downstairs."

   Nik said, " We have to go to the school, love."

  I said, " Oh! Yeah. Let's go."

  Nik and I sped outside, and got in the car. We drove to the school.

Hope's POV
     I put on my red skirt, my white crop top, and my red heels. I sped downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it. I went to the foyer, and seen Ryan. I said, " Hey."

  He said, " Hey. Can I ask you something?"

  I said, " What is it?"

  He said, " Can I take you out tonight?"

  I said, " Why so you can lie to my face again?"

  He said, " I'm sorry about that. I promise, no more lies."

  I said, " Good. I will go out with you."

  He smiled, and said, " I'll let you go. Meet me right here, at 6."

  I nodded, and sped outside, and got in my car, and drove to the school.

  I arrived at the school, and got out of my car. Dorian walked over to me, and said, " Hope."

  I said, " Dorian. What's going on?"

  He said, " There's a flag football game, in an hour. Mr. Mikaelson is the coach."

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