Next day,
At the kindergarten,
After school...

Megumi-kun was lying on the ground while doodling on a paper. The school session ended a while ago. As usual, he was the only one left.

Well, Fushiguro-san did say he is running late. Something came up at the pet shop he worked at.

I have to tidy up the kindergarten too since today is my turn. Megumi-kun has no choice but to wait until I finish my work. After that, I will walk him home.

I put away the toys back in the toys basket. Picking up one by one whilst humming my favourite song. I was quite absorbed in the cleaning and tidying session that I accidentally forgot Megumi-kun was with me.


I returned to the real world when I heard Megumi-kun suddenly cheered giddily. I turned my head to the small child.

A man with blonde hair was holding him joyfully.

I widened my eyes due to shock. Almost immediately, I rose up and made my way toward the mysterious man. Worry sparked in me, as I was afraid the man would try to take Megumi-kun away.

The man was laughing happily with Megumi-kun. I cleared my throat, gaining their attention. "(Y/n)-sensei!" The young child reached out to me, demanding to be held by me. I politely hinted the man to give back my student to me.

"Ah, sorry, sorry. I should have asked for permission before entering, shouldn't I?" The man chuckled in awkwardness. His hand was rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes, Sir." I nodded my head, my arms securely held Megumi-kun. He snuggled into my neck.

"So, may you inform me about your name...and your relationship with Megumi-kun?" I quirked an eyebrow. I was kind of suspicious of this unknown man

"Ah, I'm—" Megumi-kun cut of the man before he could introduce himself. "My Uncle Naoya."

I blinked my eyes a few time, taking a long time to process his words. I alternately shifted my attention to Megumi-kun and to the man back and forth.

"....pardon?" I was baffled.

"I'm Naoya Zen'in, Megumi's uncle." The man eventually got the chance to introduce his name.

Realization erased every confusion lingering in the air. My eyes grew big in stupefaction. "Un—Uncle—" I nearly choked on my breath.



I abruptly bent over in apologetic manner. "Forgive my rudeness! I thought you were trying to harm Megumi-kun!"

I can't be completely blamed for accusing him as a child kidnapper. How could I recognize him as Megumi-kun's uncle? I didn't know any of the Fushiguros' other relatives.

After all, Fushiguro-san did say he had cut his tie with his family.

So why did Megumi-kun's uncle come here?

"Don't be sorry. It was my fault for coming in without asking your permission first." Zen'in-san reassured.

"Y-yea..." I sheepishly replied to Zen'in-san. Gosh, why did I keep embarrassing myself?

"Still, I was surprised to find a female teacher here. Last time I visited, there were only male teachers." Zen'in-san exclaimed, his eyes studying my figure intently.

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