Mia, having heard the door being slammed, knocks on the door and pops her head in. "Is everything okay? I just saw Nic driving off, and he seemed mad."

Feeling the bed dip beside me, I lift my head up to look at her. Wiping at my puffy red face, I shake my head. "I just told him I'm pregnant."

"What? That's great news!" She hugs me, overjoyed by my news. I wanted to be happy and share the joy with her, but I couldn't. I was angry, sad, and deeply hurt.

"I understand he's upset, but why did he have to leave?" I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

Mia grabbed the a couple tissues out of the box on my nightstand, and handed it to me. Thanking her, I dabbed at my face, wiping away the stray tears.

"It's common when it comes to the Fierri's. Marcellius has walked out on me a few times."

"Really?" I question, surprised. I just don't see him as the type to ever leave his wife's side. He's so protective over her and their children that I just never thought something like that was a thing for him.

She nods. "We've had our ups and downs, but he always comes back." I think back to what Luciano said about Niccolo when he went missing. "Just give him time. I promise he'll come around."

Giving me a reassuring smile, she stands to her feet and takes her leave. I stare down at the floor, worst case scenarios bombarding my mind.

Will he ask me to abort my child? Our child?

Would this be the reason we don't make it?

Did I make the wrong choice?

Instead of getting dressed for the day, I laid back in bed and sobbed quietly into my pillow. Rubbing my belly, I cried myself to sleep and hoped Mia was right.


"Autumn, wake up." My eyes fluttered open to see Niccolo towering over me. I had a pillow clutched to my chest, my eyes swollen from all the tears I've shed.

I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. It's almost five in the afternoon. Sitting up, I scoot to the edge of the bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"What do you want?" I retored coldly. Although I had been missing him, I didn't want to see his face right now. I would've been okay with him not returning for a day at least.

"I'm sorry." He got down on his knees, his sparkling hazel eyes pleading. I jerk away when his fingers brush my hand. "Just... come with me."

He hooks his fingers around my arm, forcing me to my feet and out of the room. Attempting and failing to rip my arm free, he drags me all the way down the hall, pausing in front of a bedroom door. Turning the knob, he leans into the door, pushing it open.

The light switches on, brightening the dark room. My eyes dart around the room, caught off guard by everything before me.

"It's... a nursery." I was utterly shocked. "When did you-"

"I never left, princess. I got in my car with the intention of leaving, but I couldn't do it."

"Then how did-"

"Aloi. I had him go to the store for me. His sister has a baby, so I figured he'd know what to buy."

He released my arm, and I walked further into the room to explore. The room was painted a crisp white, pastel greens, blues, pinks, and yellows giving the room that baby feel.

A white crib sat in the middle, blankets with animals, and animal plushies neatly placed inside. There was a dresser with baby clothes in one and diapers in the other. A changing table, rocking chair, and a bookshelf stocked with all kinds of children's books were also in the room.

I grabbed the lamb plushie resting against the lamp on the dresser, holding it close to my heart.

"I thought you didn't want kids," I say, looking at him.

"It's not something I ever wanted." I frown. "Until you." My frown dissipates. "I'm afraid of the kind of father I'll become." He must be thinking about his father. He always said there were both good and bad times when it came to his relationship with his father. "And truthfully," his voice lowers. "I'm not really ready to share you just yet."

Setting the plushie down, I walk back over to him and snake my arms around his waist. "You know how I know you'll be a great father? Because I see how much you love your neice and nephews." He tries so hard to hide the fact that he loves and cares for them, but I can see it clear as day. Everyone can.

"Besides," I continue. "Having a baby won't push me away from you. In fact, it will only make me love you more, because I know that this child- our child was created out of love." Folding my hand over his, I guide him over to my stomach.

He looks down at our hands, and then says unexpectedly, "Marry me."

I blink at him, caught off guard. "Huh?" Even though I heard what he said it took a second to actually register what he just asked me.

He's back down on his knees, except this time he's pulling out a black velvet box. I'm standing there, speechless and frozen. He opens the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

"I don't think I'd be able to live without waking up to you every morning, holding you close in my arms, and just seeing you see me- the real me. I love you, Autumn. And I want you to become Mrs. Fierri. So, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

All my worries and doubts wash away. This moment just confirmed it. Niccolo Fierri is definitely the one for me. With an outstretched hand, I smile and nod, failing to fight back the water works.

"Yes, Niccolo. I will marry you!" Gently slipping the ring onto my finger, I sling my arms over him, kissing him like I've never kissed him before.

Pulling apart, I lose the smile on my face, and grip his chin between my fingers. He's forced to look down at me, a single brow raised in excitement and curiosity.

"Walk out on me again and I'll cut your balls off. Got it?"

"Such a fiesty little redhead," he says with a smirk, aroused by my aggression. "I don't know who you think you're talking to, but I'll have your tiny ass bent over this crib in a second," he snarls.

"Mmm," I hum, both brows raised. "I'd like to see you try..., Papi(daddy)."

Niccolo Fierri [Book #2]Where stories live. Discover now