Chapter 9

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After the first punch was thrown, suddenly everything had processed to me. Dillon and Tommy were in a full blown fist fight. Everyone started screaming the the rashness of Dillon's decision, some scattered back indoors.

I just chose to completely ignore the fight and looked back up at my fathers vandalized photo.

Emily had finally been able to break through the crowd and ran up to me. She violently shook and pulled at me to try and get my attention, to avail. She grabbed my face and forced me to look at her.

"Riley," I saw her mouth move. I was still so stunned, I couldn't move. "Riley, look at me."

She wiped away at a tear I didn't know had fallen. I stared at her in shock. I shouldn't be angry with her. It was her brothers fault, not hers. But I couldn't help but feel some sort of resentment in that moment. She knew, but she didn't blame me.

"Everything is going to be okay," she tried telling me.

Upon her words, I finally broke down. I felt heat rush to my head and tears stream down my face as I rapidly shook my head while mouthing no.

"No it's not, it's not going to be okay," I desperately signed. I was hurt. He usually listened to Emily, but something told him not to today and i wanted to know what.

Aiden pulled Emily away and I could see him tell her, "Let her cool down. Leave her be."

For once, I agreed with Aiden. Rebel and Sam joined our little circle, checking to see if I was okay. Evidently, I wasn't.

My eyes found their way back to Tommy and Dillon. Angelina and Tommy's friends were pulling them apart.

Tommy was easily defeated. He was quickly covered in bruises and looked disheveled. Dillon on the other hand barely had a scratch on him.

Angelina looked a bit to fearful to confront Dillon in the moment, but I knew she wasn't happy with him by the glare she had given me.

"You're sick in the fucking head," I could feel the anger laced in Dillon's voice.

Angelina tried soothing him by rubbing his arm, but he violently pulled away from her touch making her flinch before he stormed away.

Before Tommy could do anymore harm, Emily stomped to him screaming at him and his friends as she ushered them away.

I looked back to Angelina and stopped in my tracks and my eyes widened a bit. She was staring daggers into my soul.

She went to charge towards me, but Sam stepped in front of me real quick, blocking me from her.

Angelina stopped, looking scared of Sam. I could only imagine the look on Sam's face right now. If there's anything about Sam that I love in this very moment, it's that she's the last person in the world who'd be afraid to get her hands dirty.

Angelina turned her eyes back towards me, "Do you see what you've done? This whole mess could've easily been avoided if you didn't exist."


With that, she stormed off in search of Dillon. Sam turned towards me, my eyes were still a bit red and puffy.

"Are you okay," she gently asked. I just nodded.

"I think I'm gonna go home," I signed. I just didn't have the energy to stay for the rest of the day.

She was very understanding, thankfully.

"Do you want me to take you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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