Chapter 7

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We finally reached the park and Dillon looked back at me, slightly shocked that I was still in tow.

"You're still here," he said, more so stating it than asking.

I just nodded. He went over and sat on one of the swings and I sat on the other next to him. He rocked himself back and forth slightly with his feet and just stared at me. He started at me like he was trying to figure me out.

Then he said something that caught me off guard a bit, "I know this sounds strange, but the reason you intrigue me so much is because I can't figure out where I've seen you before."


"What do you mean," I typed to him.

He looked a little embarrassed to say and rubbed the back of his neck before saying, "You think a guy like me would remember meeting a deaf person at some point in my life."

I gave him a look that said "really?"

"Okay, now I'm lying."

So now he admits it.

"You have the most memorable eyes ever and I can't pinpoint where I've seen them," he confessed. I'm suddenly starting to wonder if that's why he gets so close.

I typed out to him, "Mr. Callaghan's closet."

He laughed and looked down before looking back at me, "Nope. I remember that."

I thought long and hard for a minute before typing, "Those two perverts tried to assault me. Maybe that?"

He shook his head grimacing at that, "No, i remember that one too. Sorry about that."

What other small interactions have we had.

"Maybe when Tommy Hart and his buddies dumped water all over me and you helped me up?"

"Definitely remember that one. We're we're clearly trying not to cry," he said, almost looking sympathetic.

If it's none of those interactions, what could it be? Then it clicked.

"I accidentally scraped the side of your car door once with my bike..."

I was so nervous to know what he was gonna say. But he didn't say anything. He just... stared. He looked at me like he was really trying to remember my face, and then he did.

"Oh my god," he said covering his eyes with one hand and a face full of shock before looking at me again, "Yup. That's where."

I laughed a bit even though that was one of the most scary interactions I've ever had in my life.

"I remember almost everyone in the school was all over you for that."

He remembered that?

He laughed a bit before saying, "Words spread quickly when it comes to my existence."

I let out a small breathy laugh before typing, "Those twelve weeks were horrible."

He laughed before saying, "Why? Don't like hearing that you slept with me?"

My face got red but I rolled my eyes at his comment, "No I don't actually. Plus I had people follow me home because of that."

"Yikes," was his response.

I nodded. I couldn't believe this. I was somewhat having a normal conversation with this guy. And he wasn't that bad. At least I thought that until he opened his mouth again.

"Would you ever want to," he questioned.

I looked at him confused. He didn't respond with words, but with facial expressions. Then I got what he was saying.

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