Chapter 8

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TW ⚠️ this chapter contains mentions of suicide and graphic content. If you are triggered by these, please do not proceed.

Dillon had to be the worlds most confusing person ever. It's like he had done a complete 180 from the night before. I had thought that after last night we would've been on somewhat talking terms, but he had completely  ignored me all day.

I had first waved at him, hiding my attempts from Rebel—I didn't want to be scolded—and he had seen me, but just rolled his eyes. Then I had him in my ELA class and turned to say hello, but he just looked away. Oh, and his famous scowl? Planted on his face all over again.

Admittedly, I was kind of stunned... I didn't know why though.

I guess I was secretly hoping we'd spark a friendship, but he had some unknown other plans.

I was hanging out with Rebel once study hall had come around. And per usual, we were roaming the hallways, just talking about Aiden and his secret Halloween party.

"I still don't have a costume," I signed defeated.

"We'll find you one, relax," he signed back to me. How could I relax? I was already an outcast at this school, but I didn't want to be one at the party.

I grumbled in response and Rebel just laughed. I loved Rebel, but in times like these he slightly got on my nerves, "You're no help."

"Sorry," was his one word reply.

I have never been so stressed out about something in my life, even my grades didn't stress me out as much as this.

I guess I was just tired of being the dirt beneath everyone's feet. I already get picked on day to day for my inability to hear, I didn't want to look stupid showing up in nothing.

The bell must've rang because before I knew it, Rebel had taken off in the opposite direction and the hallways started to crowd. Thanks for leaving me by myself, asshole.

I sighed in annoyance and lousily walked towards History. My head hung low as I wondered what to go as. I lifted my eyes from the floor and let my eyes scout the halls, and then I saw Dillon.

Except, Dillon wasn't scowling. He was seductively smirking. And he was smirking at Angelina Romano.

He had his arms wrapped around her waist and hers around his neck. I didn't know he had a girlfriend. I felt like a total creep watching them.

She was beautiful, but she wasn't the nicest. Her hair was strawberry blonde, her eyes blue as the ocean. She had a cute button nose, and full lips. Her eyes were round like a dolls and her eyebrows were never unkept. She was handcrafted by the gods.

I slowly shifted my eyes back in front of me, I didn't want to be caught watching. That would be weird.

As strange as it sounded though, I couldn't help but wonder if maybe him having a girlfriend is what kept him from speaking to me all day. Is she the jealous type? I hope she doesn't know about me hanging out with him last night—and if she did, I really hope she was only a slightly jealous type and not the type that would rip my head off in a heartbeat.

Maybe if she knew I only wanted to be friends, she could be friends with me too... right?

I kept walking forward while awkwardly holding my hands together, and felt a sharp push that almost sent me flying to the floor.

I stopped in my tracks and whipped my head around to see Tommy evilly smirking at me. Oh no.

I went to run but he had grabbed me by upper arm really hard.

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