Chapter 5

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The next day at school, I was roaming the hallways with Rebel for it was study hall for us. We didn't have homework, so we didn't see any point in sitting in a classroom for an hour.

We quickly made a pit stop at the vending machine down the hallway and rebel got flaming hot Cheetos and I got rainbow goldfish.

"You seem lost in thought. You've barely talked to me this whole time. That's unusual," he signed to me with his teasing smile planted on his face.

I just shrugged. I didn't know how to tell him about my embarrassing encounter with Dillon.

Although, he must've telepathically picked up my thoughts or something because he proceeded to sign to me, "Boy troubles."

I felt my ears turn red on command and his smile got bigger and eyes wider.

"Who," he tried prying, evident that he thought I had a crush.

I shook my head, to embarrassed to say who... but I told him what the 'boy troubles' actually were.

"I literally ran into the guy and completely embarrassed myself. I fell on my face, and he called me a grave robber," I signed back, my face clearly full of frustration.

I watched as Rebel's face contorted from amusement to confused, "Grave robber?"

I just nodded. Rebel was clearly in thought, trying to think of all possibilities of whom I could be talking about. Then his face showed concern and shock.

"Dillon," he was quick to accuse with a tense look. Well, so much for not telling him. "Riley, you know how dangerous he is right? Why were you even in the graveyard?"

I looked at him deadpanned, "For starters, you know why I go there. Secondly, I know. I didn't intentionally run into him."

Rebel's face softened a bit, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't forget why you go there. And I shouldn't just accuse you like that. Just please, if you ever go around him—be careful."

I nodded, "You know I will."

At least he's only aware of this encounter, I don't want him knowing about the other.

We continued walking around the hallways without a word to each other, but I could see something was bothering him, "What?"

He looked at me, not sure what he should say, but let me know anyway, "How late last night was that?"

I shrugged, "Maybe 10pm."

Rebel nodded before signing, "So you saw him before the cops picked him up?"

Now it was my turn to be a bit confused. I stopped and looked at Rebel, waiting for an explanation.

"He's in school now, but last night the cops picked him up. My mom saw him last night with his parents. They kept screaming at him about getting arrested. Maybe your aunt Lu knows something."

Hours went by and finally the end of day rolled around. I had Emily to my right and Sam to my left, both talking about Aiden's upcoming Halloween party. I wasn't going to go, but Rebel didn't want to be the only outcast there. No wonder we get a long.

"I still don't have a costume," I told them.

"Just go as a sexy devil," Sam said with a cheesy smile.

I eyeballed her before signing back, "So your brother can make lewding comments about me? No thanks."

"I agree," Em was quick to jump in. Though, I know her reasoning was different than mine.

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