"You'll know when I say. In the mean time you have to be more careful or the guards won't get close enough for conversation"

He raised a brow but nodded, "what do I get out of this?"

"Bigger living quarters"


Rehabilitation is going to be very different for Hawks. It's amazing how many conventional methods have been used.

I smile receiving his list of names, "Very good" I stroke his ego and notice how positively he reacts.

"Well I am a great informant" he flexed his hands in the cuffs on the table looking more relaxed not in a straight jacket

"Well I see they let you out of the jacket"

"Yeah kinda nice don't ya think?"

"I have another job for you"

He raised a brow, "of course you do"

"You're moving rooms today"

"So what? Am I decorating it?" He scoffed

"No, the facility has hidden 11 cameras in there. I need you to find them all"

"11? How is this beneficial?"

"We don't want them in there now so we?"

He grunted but nodded, "Give me an hour"

I stood outside the room while ge did his search promising a prize if he succeeded in an hour. 45 minutes in im officially bored as hell. No scratch that I was bored after 5 minutes.

That is until a guard came over to me, "A doctor huh? So tell me if I hurt myself will you kiss it better" he leaned on the wall

"Wrong kind of doctor" I scoff

"Tomato tomâto" he shrugged, "Then again I would have usually figured you for a nurse"

"What?" That struck a nerve

"Cause you're a chick. Pretty hot in your scrubs, you should show me how you fit that ass into them" he slapped my ass making me squeal in sudden surprise.

I was ready to turn and slap him when another hand seemed to beat me to the punch, literally.

"What the fuck!" The man shrieked landing on his ass nursing a bloody nose

"You ok?" Keigo immediately turned to me looking over me with a smirk

"Security! Rogue inmate! Cell 294" the man spoke over his intercom

I scoff as security comes flooding in.

I try to explain the situation but they immediately converge on Keigo, one man immediately turned to blows.

"Get off him! He was defending me!" I try to pull one off of him as they attack and wrangle him to the ground before I finally grab one of the men's guns and put a round to the floor. It immediately ricocheted into the light.

Everyone's attention was on me in an instant, "Now that I have your attention" I flip the safety on and awkwardly put it down, "Can I have my patient back?"

Keigo was shoved forward looked more ragged than before with a split lip.

"Did you get what I requested?"

He nodded eyes flicking to the gun but I glared at him forcing him to keep eye contact, "Good, now room. Now" I point like a mother grounding her child.

He wearily went into his room before I turned my attention to security, "I'll talk to your captain later, for now, scram"

They scattered seeming well aware they did not want me to recognize their face. The one who's gone i took grabbing it as he scurried off.

I sigh in relief and head into Keigo's space watching him tense when he saw me.

"Are you ok?" I move to turn his face examining for any further damage than the busted lip

"Would have been better if not for these fucking cuffs" he spoke bitterly

"I know, I'm so sorry that happened" I sigh looking at the split. It wasn't deep. Should heal without problems, "Are you injured anywhere else?"

"Mostly body shots, I'm fine really" he smiled but winced, "Are you ok? He didn't hurt you right?"

"It was more surprise than anything" I admit

He glared down, "He still touched you without permission. Fucking asshole"

"Don't worry about it, that's my beef"

"Its not right!" Keigo huffed

"I know" I sigh nodding. Problem is when working with the commission they don't care about that stuff usually. It doesn't matter how scummy you are if you have the right ties, "How much did you hear?"

"Not much, just the last bit" he rubbed the back of his neck fighting the cuffs

"Well... thank you" I smile, "You're my hero"

He scoffed, "Im not a hero anymore"

"Not federally...but to me you are"

His eyes widened slightly before he suddenly looked away, "This is a pretty fancy cell. I've got a kitchen in here. Its tiny but still a kitchen"

"Yeah. You did well on your last assignment. You deserve the upgrade. You can prepare your own food"

"No knives in there or anything real sharp"

"Couldn't get the clearance for that. But this is the first step"

"I honestly can't cook so I can't tell you how useful it'll be to me"

I raise an eyebrow, "Really?"

"I can make microwave meals if that counts" he shrugged, "That's how I did my midnight nuggies"

I about snort, "Ok...2 things 1, nuggets in the microwave? They are so much better from the oven and 2) midnight...nuggies?" I try not to Crack up repeating it

His face tinged pink, "I never used the oven for chicken nuggies, I also used to work late so i called them my midnight nuggies"

I wheeze hearing him, ex-pro hero say nuggies so casually, borderline seriously, "Not even. Nope not gonna touch that" I shake my head.

I notice the 11 cameras on the bolted down table, "Well then I guess your next assignment will need some research"


"You need to learn to cook"

(No idea if I'll continue this one. Figured I'd drop it for yall rather than delete it)

Hawks X Fem reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now