Chapter One

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Renee's view

I groaned as my phone continued to ring for the fifth time. Who the hell was calling me so early in the morning? I blindly felt around the bedside cabinet, my fingers brushing against the smooth surface. I lay in bed with my eyes closed. My body was heavy with exhaustion from the long week at work, knowing that I would be wide awake the moment I opened them.

I found my phone and peaked my left eye open to see who dare disturb me at this hour. Anyone who knew me, knew I would be asleep at this point and certainly knew that I would not want to speak to the Queen at this hour. I looked at the screen my eyes glanced across as I saw Roman's name pop up on the screen. The bastard. I am going to murder him when I next see him.

"Dickhead, why are you calling me at three in the morning?" I groaned. "I am not habitual at this hour. Are you trying to kill me?"

"Babe, it's an emergency. I'm on my way over, but I need to stay off the internet until I reach you. At the most, I am twenty minutes away, so get ready to answer the door." Roman said. His voice was screaming with unease, yet I was unmoved by it.

"Roman, we have discussed this. I am not a little piggy, so do not call me babe." I sighed.

"Well, I'm glad that you haven't got a problem with getting out of bed, your taking it better than I thought." He replied. He knows me too well at this point.

"Roman, I haven't finished yet," I said, my eyelids drooping as I felt my thoughts slipping away.

"RENEE!" Roman shouted. Fuck, he knows not to wake me up. I am the type of person who is committed to my sleep and staying in bed until the last possible second. My relationship with sleep is my longest commitment to anything. Why does he hate my relationship with my bed?

"Roman." I said his name calmly, my voice low and steady. "In a minute, I am going to do something that I thought was not possible. I will commit the murder of a beloved celebrity if you don't shut up and let me sleep. And Roman, I'm telling you I look terrible in that dull, grey prison uniform."

"You will commit murder, but I'm telling you it won't be mine," Roman grumbled. "Listen Renee, I will be at yours in fifteen. Your key is still in the same place? He questioned uncertainly.

"Mhmm." I mumbled and then hung up the phone.

My eyes were still closed and although I felt sleepy, I knew that would not happen now. I wonder what Roman meant about me wanting to commit murder. He never jokes about things like that after the incident in 2018.

I chuckled to myself, thinking the last time I met his bitch of an ex-wife, god how he put up with her boney ass for ten years is beyond me. God, she hates me. How he loved her is beyond me. It's better to have experienced love and endured loss than to live with a psycho forever.

Grumbling I felt the heaviness of the blankets on my body as I forced myself up. I elongated my legs and elevated my arms above my head. My gaze travelled to the right, and the bed was oddly vacant. The pillows her untouched and there was a coldness to Lewis' side of the bed. I wonder where he was. It was getting late and he always' lets me know when he was going to be away for work. Oh well, I still slept like a log without his ass in the bed, more star-fishing for me.

I was trying to recall my conversation with Roman as I was still half asleep when I spoke with him. I wonder why he told me to stay offline. He knows I hate social media. I mean, do you know how many people upload pictures of their food online? I mean, if it is so fucking great, why aren't you eating it? Roland has been trying to get on there for the last two years, with me telling him no bloody way.

I threw the luxurious silk sheets off my body, feeling the cool air on my skin as I pushed myself out of bed. It would not be easy getting out of bed. I forget waking up is one thing and getting out of bed is something else. I feel so warm and cosy beneath the blankets and fresh sheets, like they've welcomed me into their fold - if I leave, I'm afraid I will lose their trust.

With a sigh, I grabbed my luxurious silk dressing gown from the floor and heard the soft swish of fabric as I made my way to the en-suite in my bedroom. My en-suite was a luxurious oasis, with gleaming black tile covering the walls and a large vanity mirror with a gold border. His and hers sinks laid side by side with shimmering gold taps, and a large, cascading waterfall shower. The skylights within the bathroom filled the room with a cosy, golden glow, making it feel much brighter than the cold exterior.

I examined my reflection in the mirror, taking in the sight of my clothes and hair. My raven locks were wild, and my honey-coloured skin was smooth and unblemished. I'd look at my reflection and sigh, longing for a more unique eye colour than the same boring brown. My body was in decent shape; I wasn't too thin, but I wasn't overweight either. My body had generously sized breasts and pronouncedly round hips. I never had the height, coming from a family of small people, and I was only five foot two. It always made me feel like I was too short for the world. The top shelf at the supermarket was always just out of my grasp, no matter how hard I tried. I sighed Theas I grabbed a brush and ran it through my hair.

Feeling slightly better about my appearance, even if it was three in the morning. I grabbed my phone, and I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to make a coffee, knowing it would reduce the risk of me throttling Roman when he came over. I mean, it isn't the first time he has been round, but normally it is because he is staying in the guest room hiding from his ex-wife.

Did I mention I hate her? God, how someone as good as Roman ended up with the devil is beyond me. As I reached the kitchen, I turned the light on. The kitchen comprised white counters and white marble. It was extremely modern and clean. I turned to the coffee machine on the countertop as I stared at my phone. I leaned my forearms on the countertops and peered at my phone.

I wonder what Roman was trying to keep from me. I trust him and I know he wouldn't tell me unless he had a good reason. But he should know me, he should know I never listen to what anyone tells me to do. I scoffed and grabbed my phone and opened up my phone and made my way to the internet app, wondering what to search.

Instinctively, a text came through from Lewis. He told me he was sorry, and it was not what it seemed.

What the fuck does that mean? Well, I guess I knew what I was searching. I typed into the keyboard, Lewis Reed, and there were the stories.




Tears welled in my eyes, my breathing was getting erratic as I tried to hold in my pains. Surely this isn't true, it can't be. Lewis wouldn't do this to me. We have been together for so long. I was with him through all the hard times. This can't be true.

I clicked on the links and there he was. Lewis, his blonde hair, his pale face and his lips locked with a tall, leggy, faceless blonde. His arms wrapped around her waist and her arms flung across his neck. The subsequent photograph showed them entering a hotel side by side. A loud sob reverberated through the room as the tears dropped from my eyes. The pounding in my chest was so painful it was overwhelming. There were no words to express it. The betrayal felt like a sharp stab in my mouth. I put my hands over my face, desperate sobs wracking my body, wishing I had never gone online.

Fuck. Looking back, I wished I had taken Roman's advice more seriously. He was right. I was going to kill someone. It just wasn't him.

Edited on 29/03/2023.

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