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I was about to open the door to leave Leah's room, but then she started to sit up.

"Where ya going?" She asked. "Come ere'!" She said, gesturing towards herself.

"I figured I would get out of your hair..." I said shyly.

"Just sit down, I have a surprise for you!" She said excitedly, blushing. I sat on her bed and she walked over to her closet and pulled out a large box.

"Open it!" She sat down with a twinkle in her eyes. "You're gonna love it!" I opened it to see a brand new record player that had just come out.

"This is for me?!" I said, confused. "Yes, silly! I thought you'd like it!" She squealed excitedly.

She gave me a big hug unexpectedly. I hugged her back, blushing a little. She pulled away for a second and we made eye contact. We gazed at each other's pupils and she leaned in. I was confused. What is she doing? Should I go for it? Will she be mad? I put my arms around her waist and kissed her. We stood up mid-kiss and she put her arms around my neck.

After a few minutes I pulled away and stared at her in shock. She was amazingly beautiful, and I wanted to drown her in kisses. This time I pressed my lips against her more passionately. I put my arms around her butt and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around me and we kissed. I fell back on the bed with her on top of me and she stared.

"I'm glad you like it!" She said happily, as if nothing had just happened. She gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. "I love it, baby." I said, hoping I didn't go to far by saying that.

She un-mounted my skinny body and walked towards the door.

"I was going to see how Annora was doing. See ya later?" She said as I just sat there in confusion on the events that just occurred. "Sure!" I said, grabbing my present and grinning. I couldn't get the grin off my face. Apparently Axl and Steven saw my smile and figured that I was in there doing something else with Leah.

"Have fun?" Steven giggled.

"LOTS." I said, looking dazed and confused.

Axl looked at me "How good was she?" He asked with a wink.

"Oh you perv!" I laughed. "We didn't have sex," I said to clarify.

"Well someone looks awfully happy. I figured your dream came true." He said with a little wink and a smile.

"Close enough!" I said in my rare mood. I was normally kind of depressed and I didn't really bother to smile as much as I had been in the last few days.

Axl's POV

Izzy is so lucky! This whole time I have been trying to get Leah to myself, but it really just isn't working.

"Ok, Iz, whatever you say. I'm gonna go on a walk. See you later." I said to the two boys.


I walked down the cracked pavement on Sunset Boulevard. I kept my head down in hopes that no one would notice me. All of the sudden I hear someone walking up behind me shouting my name. I try to keep calm as if I was just a random guy on the streets.

"Axl! I know it's you!" The female voice shouted. I started to walk a bit faster to avoid human interaction. I turned to see a pretty beach blonde girl in a tye dye crop top and short-shorts.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't want to come off stalker-ish, but I just adore your music! You inspire me every day and I just wanted to give you some appreciation. I know you're probably busy, but do you want to just hang out for a few minutes?" She asked kindly. I appreciated the fact that she tried not to make a big deal of seeing me, but I really didn't feel like talking right now.

"I guess we could hang out, but I have to get back to my house in a little bit." I said, trying to stay calm. She ended up being pretty cool. She wasn't there to get in my pants, she just wanted a friend. We walked the streets together until I had to go. I told her to have a good day and I walked back to Leah's house.

  She didn't look exactly the same, but she kind of reminded me of Leah. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and she is ok with being herself. I really admire that about her.

Sweet Child O' Mine - a Guns N' Roses FanficWhere stories live. Discover now