1 ⋅ Chapter One (Continued)

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"After that speech, how could I not?" She questions as a grin spreads across her face, "Yes!"

Douxie smiles and slides the ring onto her finger. Then, he stands and looks Anthea in the eyes.

He never expected her to say yes. He really didn't, never in a million years.

Is he dreaming?

This has to be a dream. Right?

This can't be real.

Douxie knows that she didn't want to marry and it made him question if she was actually accepting his proposal because she loved him or not.

Even so, he didn't want to think about that. The woman he fell in love with just accepted his proposal. She accepted him!

He feels as though he is on cloud nine.

Then, she kisses him. Softly. Lovingly.

All doubts leave his mind as his heart takes flight. He is so deeply and helplessly in love.

He pulls away, breathless. She is too, but she's smiling.

They touch foreheads and begin laughing.

They laugh.

Pure, and joyous.


Dionysia sighs and smiles knowingly.

From where she stood just outside the kitchens, she heard everything that just took place. She knew Anthea was waiting for Douxie, just as she knew Douxie was outside the door leading to the castle gardens.

She sensed the ring in his pocket. A blue opalite ring, carved of moonstone and enchanted to protect and heal. Though, weakly.

She'd have to talk to Merlin about making the spell stronger without Hisidoux's knowledge.

Just then, she hears a couple of the other kitchen maids coming down the hall and motions for them to stop.

"Not now," Dionysia whispers, "Wait a moment."

"What is it?"

"Is something wrong?" They ask.

Dionysia shakes her head, "No, Hisirdoux just proposed."

They gasp.

"Did he?" One of them questions.

"About time," The other states, crossing her arms.

"Sh," Dionysia replies, "Love takes time. If you rush it, it will fall apart like a house of cards with a barely tremble. For love to last, you must build the foundation on trust and patience, friendship and comfort."

The first maid sighs, "Oh, I can't wait to see them officially married with little ones to care for."

"Now, now," The other interjects, "Don't jump ahead, they are barely twenty."

"Indeed," Dionysia agrees with a nod, "They are barely twenty and they have their whole lives ahead of them." She says quietly, as the maids peak through the kitchen doors, "They won't rush, nor will they let their love stagnate."

Through, despite her words, the elder woman is hesitant. She can't see them together past this next year. And she fears that her hope for them will combust like a village under dragon's fire.

All things must end.

But sometimes, they end much too soon.

Yes, much too soon.

Edited 09/04/2023

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