Chapter 4 - Molly and Mason.

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I woke up this morning and realised that it was FRIDAY!

I had not seen my little cousins in like forever because they had moved from Bath to London and I never really had the chance to see them! They were only 4, which made it a lot harder for me to see them as its not like they could just get a train and travel down here. But hey they would be 5 in April so they would be starting up Primary school/Elementry school shortly.

I got out of bed after reading through the last of the questions that I had been asked and decided at some point today I was going to have to do my video. Therefore I got out of bed and got ready and as I knew my cousins were coming at 12pm. I began to film. I went through a lot of questions and ones testing me on general knowledge like what my favourite colour was, my birthday and my age and lots of dares.

However, one caught my eye and they had asked me if I was to do a collab with two youtubers who would it be. Now with great difficulty I came to a conclusion of 6 youtubers as I could not pick just 2.

I answered Zoe&Joe as I would love to do a video where they would compete and possibly have to fight it out at the end. But I also chose Jack&Finn because I would love to do a twin telepathy tag with them as that would just be amazing. Eventhough I thought of this I did think of Dan&Phil and by that I was puzzled.

Therefore I ended the Q&A there, said my goodbye and I did my singing outro as I had always done. I never ever liked my singing voice. Although, I started youtube as a youngster I decided on doing something stupid as an outro and I did not think that I would get as much subscribers as I do have now and I did not want to change my tradition. So I sang a mix between Let It Go from Frozen and Let Her Go by Passenger which sounded not as bad as I thought. Then I stopped my camera and looked through the video.

At this point I knew there was going to be bloopers as I had messed around with my hair and I had stuttered a lot which had made me laugh, and had done way more dares then I should have. So after all I did do a bloopers video. However, I did not want to upload to my Main channel so I just decided to upload on my Vlogging channel. I thought why not?

Just then, I checked the time and it was 11am. I needed to hurry up as I was going to take Mason and Molly to the park and have a picnic down the road from where Mum and I lived. I opened up the shutter on my Vlogging camera and I said Hello and told my camera where I was going. (Yeah its weird talking at a camera, thinking it will talk back! Anyway...) I quickly popped over to Waitrose and picked up some healthy bits and bobs. Also I went to the corner shop and picked up some sweets for the kids as I had planned to watch Frozen later with them. When really I know Molly and Mason will be the only ones watching it as I just can't stand the cheeseiness. But yet if I had to watch it I would for their sake right?

When I got home Mum was sitting on the sofa playing Candy Crush. Now Mum was so addicted to that game it was literally glued to her hand. I greeted Mum and walked passed her into the Conservatory where a nice wicker basket was placed on top of Mums grocery shelf. I took the basket and placed it on my arm, whilst holding the camera and the groceries in the other. In the kitchen I placed my camera on top of the microwave and I began to prepare a scrumptious looking salad. I also prepared a few Cheese and Ham sandwiches and I added some savory food into the basket. Not forgetting the squash (Juice). I put the sweets in the cupboard as I know when Molly and Mason get here they will be all over them sweets!

I looked at the clock and it was 12:10pm. I moved my camera and switched it off, privacy and all.

There was a knock at the door which Mum told me to answer to and so I did. I saw Molly with her long beautiful Blonde hair and Mason with his sparkling Blue eyes standing at the door with some chocolate around their faces. Aww bless them they were so cute. My Auntie Kate looked at me as she locked her car and approached the driveway. They must have had a long journey as Kate looked stressed but yet Molly and Mason were hyper!

They came in and Kate had a cuppa (Cup of tea) and we chatted a lot about M&M and what they needed and what not to give them and all that jazz!

Within the space of half an hour Me, Mum, Molly & Mason were waving goodbye to Kate as she drove off down the road. Before she had gone I had asked her if Molly & Mason could be in my Vlog and she had said

''Yes but please Eliza don't make them feel uncomfortable or like their life is being documented or you'll have me to answer too bab!!''

I knew she was joking about the last part because she laughed but I did respect what she said.

******** (Sorry For Skipping But This Would Have Been A LONG Chapter!)

For the rest of the day we just played out in the sun and we played on the swings. We also found a hill that we could place out a Red, Blue and Green tartened blanket on. By the end of the picnic, most of the food had vanished and had been engulfed by two little angels and the other bit had been eaten by little old me. We headed home, I saw Mum cooking her dinner and I told the kids to get in to their Jamas (Pyjamas) so that we could sit down and watch a film and little did they know that it actually was Frozen.

Me, Mum and the kids spent at least two hours watching the film as Molly always wanted me to play the songs Let It Go and Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? over and over again. At this time it was about 7pm, Mum was on the sofa reading her magazine and I knew it was time to take the kids up too bed. I know that's not late but for the two little ones its past their bed time. I took them up to the spare room and tucked them into bed and read them a bedtime story. Before leaving, I told Molly how one day she will grow up and be someone's Princess and I told Mason how he would grow up surrounded by a loving family and an excelent career. It soon did not take long for them to get to sleep, they looked so peaceful and beautiful. It made my heart all warm and melt, and I was thinking about the day when I will meet the one I love, get married and have children. Hopefully also a lovely gorgeous little Pug!

I went down the stairs made myself some soup and started to edit my Vlog for today. It did not take me long but I did try my hardest to have it completely natural and just went with the flow! When I looked at my watch it was 9pm and Mum kissed me on my head telling me not to stay up late because I have a big date tomorrow. I looked at her with outrage,

''It isn't a date its just a get together''

I said to her. However, she just didnt listen. She told me she loved me and headed up the stairs.

I finished off my editing and uploaded my Vlog. Then I watched the usual youtubers. The last one I watched was Joe's DAILY Vlog and yes eventhough he says he is not a Daily Vlogger, we all know he is. It just came across my mind that I was going on a 'Date' with The Joe Sugg. My heart starting beating but I tried not to focus on it too much. But I think I exploded when I recieved a text from Joe saying

''I just seen your vlog, your little cousins are sooo cute. Wish they were mine! Loved it when Mason and Molly was on the swings and you pretended that they hit you. Your so cute! Cant wait to see you tomorrow, looking forward to actually getting to know you better. Goodnight text you in the morning. Joe x''

I was shocked that he even watched my Vlogs but I soon text back saying

''Well I'm sorry Joe you just can't have 'em. Thanks I love my little monsters but your way cuter than me! Yeah see you tomorrow. Can't wait. Night. Eliza xx''

I pressed send noticing I had put two kisses but I didn't mind. As I seen he had read it I headed up the stairs put my laptop on charge, took of my makeup, brushed my teeth and got into my oversized t-shirt ready for bed. I was happy, I really thought I would be home sick and be missing Dad. Although, yes I am missing Dad and Luke, I think Brighton and I are going to get on just fine!

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