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                            The Present:

"Where did he take the vials" Olivia asked over comms,

"Probably down to cold storage" Melina replied, "dreykov still has widows under his control so you have to expose them to this antidote"

"Yeah. Sure. Easy" Olivia replied


"Is this your great plan" Dreykov asked

"My plan is to kill you" Natasha told him

"I'm alive. What do you want now"

"What was my mothers name"

"Where we buried her was a tree, pink blossoms beautiful, and there was a tombstone with her name engraved on it"

"Her name, what was her name"

"Ah, hang on let me think" he chuckled "unknown"

"You didn't feel anything" Natasha asked, "did you feel anything when I killed your daughter"

"You know I should be thanking you, you gave me my greatest weapon" he walked over to the taskmaster and pushed a button to reveal who was in the suit, it was a woman with burn marks and scars all around her face.

"When the bomb exploded it nearly killed my Antonia" he explained "I had to put a chip in the back of her neck,"

"She can mimic anyone and anything she's ever seen, she's my greatest soldier"

Natasha put a gun to Dreykov's head "do it" but Natasha couldn't pull the trigger she didn't know why something was stopping her "is the safety on" he said taking the gun from Natashas hand.

"How are you controlling me" she asked

"I'm not controlling you Natasha, well not yet. I prevent all windows from using violence against me. I'm very upset with Melina it's a shame I have to kill her"


"I want to... I want to break something" Alexei said,

"Oh you do," Melina replied. "Oh there is something you can break," she pointed to the taskmaster who stood behind her.

Alexei chuckled "Melina if this is the last time that we.." he turned back to Melina but she had already left "ah damn it."


Yelena and Olivia were crawling through vents to get to where the antidote was, Yelena and Olivia jumped back to the ground. Yelena fell in Natashas pose and Olivia who just did a flip and landed back on her feet "nice flip land" Yelena said.

"Thanks, nice pose I guess"

Yelena saw a russian soldier she kicked him and he fell unconscious, she then pulled the soldier and used his hand for the fingerprint.

"Mum we found the location of the vials" Olivia told her over comms breaking the glass the vials were kept in.

"I've had a slight setback, girls," Melina told them. "You need to go get the widows"


Natasha punched Dreykov in the face. Dreykov pulled a panel causing an alarm to go off.


Melina jumped out from the vent and grabbed her gun. A few guards followed her "lower the weapon" one of the guards yelled. They all surround her "Melina! Drop it" another yelled.

"precisely what I was thinking" Melina said. She shot her gun into the ceiling causing the ground to fall beneath them. Melina advanced to the upper level.

"Olivia, slight change in plans" Melina told her, "I completely demolished one of there engines so now we're going into a controlled crash"

"Fantastic" Olivia replied and told Yelena. "We're heading to the widows now." Olivia and Yelena walked into the widows training room, but no one was there.

Melina ran back to where Alexei was, who was still fighting off the taskmaster. Melina kicked the taskmaster into a cell and locked it shut "we have to go." She told him.


Natasha opened the door to the office where 15 widows were waiting for a command "no one leaves this room till she's dead" Dreykov commanded.

"Ah shit" Natasha muttered.

"I don't want to hurt you" Natasha told the widows, all the widows ran to Natasha and started fighting.

A blonde widow ran up to Natasha but Nat tasered her and she fell unconscious on the floor. A beeping sound came from the doorway where Olivia and Yelena were standing, Yelena through the vials. It only took minutes before each widow came to holding the realisation of what happened.

Both sisters ran up to Natasha "are you okay" Yelena asked her

"What do we do now" the widows asked

"Get as far away from here as possible" Natasha told them.

Yelena and Olivia were running out of the office but they soon realised Natasha wasn't following "Nat we gotta go, this thing is about to explode" Yelena told her.

"We have to find Dreykov," Natasha said.

Before finding Dreykov Natasha downloaded the date off Dreykov's computer.

"Do you see the girls?" Melina asked Alexei, who was boarding a jet.

"No!" Alexei yelled.

"We need to go back" Melina yelled

Guards were causing their jet to lose control.
"We've lost control," Melina said as the plane was going down.

Olivia Belova; The Silent WidowWhere stories live. Discover now