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                          Talking sucks:

"Hey sweetheart" Melina walked into the room and saw Olivia with her back to the bed holding her legs.

Olivia wiped away a tear "I don't want to talk to you"

"Okay, I'll just sit," Melina sat down next to Olivia.

"So I hear you had a great life, after the red room"

Olivia shrugged "yeah, yeah I did" she started to smile "I have two great kids, both girls a three and a four year old Natalia Alexander Belova and Melina Yelena Belova"

"You named your girls after us"

"We'll I thought you were all dead, so I yeah named my kids in honour of you being dead" Olivia sarcastically replied.

Alexei and yelena both walk in and Melina got up "she's all yours,"

Melina walked out of the bedroom and saw Natasha leaving so she followed "where are you going" she asked

"To do this myself" Natasha snapped

"Don't. You won't survive" Melina said

"I wish I could believe that you cared... but your not even the first mother to abandon me"

Melina walked over to Nat "no. You weren't abandoned" this caught Natashas attention.

"You were selected by a program to assess the genetic potential in infants"

"I was taken"

"I believe a bargain was struck. Your family was paid off, but your mother, she just couldn't stop looking for you, she was so much like you, relentless and determined not to give up, to keep trying to find you. Dreykov killed her. Her existence threatened to the red room"

They spoke some more, but Melina was getting overwhelmed with guilt when Natasha was telling her stories back to their childhood.

"Let's stop this" Melina asked

"Why you doing this" Natasha asked

"Why does a mouse born in a cave run on a little wheel?" Melina asked "Do you know why I was circled into the red room four times before you were even born? Those walls are all I know. I wasn't even given a choice."

"But you're not a mouse Melina, you were just born in a cage. But that's not your fault"

Melina scoffed and started to get watery eyes, "tell me how did you keep your heart"

"Pain only makes us stronger," Natasha quoted "didn't you tell us that? what you told us kept us alive."

"I'm sorry, I've already alerted the red room. They should be here any minute." Natasha let a tear fall down her cheek and nodded.

Olivia Belova; The Silent WidowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant