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         is this a family reunion or what:

The jet lost power and came powering down in a field of purple and yellow flowers.

"You should of Brought the Avengers super jet," Alexei told the girls.

The three girls walked ahead of him "I swear, if I hear one more word from him I'll kick him in the face" Yelena exclaimed.

"I only loved you girls, I did my best to make see you succeed to your fullest potential, and everything worked out"

"Everything worked out?" Natasha questioned

"For you, yes, we had our mission in Ohio, Yelena and Olivia you went on to become one of the best widows to live and Natasha you, you became an avenger a hero I couldn't be more proud of you all" he said bringing them into a hug.

"Get off me" Natasha grunted and pulled away

"Yeah okay, no you stink" both Olivia and Yelena pulled away.

"Are we there yet" Yelena asked

"You'll know when we're there," he told them, making pig noises.


Melina was outside training her obedient pigs "straight on, right, slight right, oh very good my darlings" the pigs came to where Melina was "oh yes very good my darlings"

Her premier alarm was triggered "back home where it's safe go on" she directed her pigs and grabbed her loaded gun, she looked through it and saw four people walking towards her house, she recognised them as her family.

They reached the house where Melina was waiting for them "honey we're home" Alexei told her.

They all looked at each other when Olivia was the first to speak "hey mum" Yelena and Natasha looked at eachother and wondered why Olivia keeps calling them mum and dad even though the mission is over.

"Come on girls" Melina ushered them inside her house. "Welcome to my humble abode. Make yourself at home let's have a drink" Yelena and Olivia walked into the dining room and looked around while Natasha followed Melina who put her weapon away in her secret armed room.

"Hey. no funny business" Natasha snarled at her mother.

"I'm just putting away my weapon" Melina told her

"Are there any booby traps around here we need to know about" Natasha asked her

"I didn't raise my girls to fall into traps" Melina stated

"You didn't raise us at all" Natasha grunted

"Maybe so, but If you got soft it wasn't my fault"

Both women sat down at the dining table along with Olivia and Yelena, they could hear Alexei grunting in the other room.

"Let's drink" Melina insisted

Olivia and Yelena were already drinking, Alexei came out from the bathroom in his red guardian suit "still fits" Melina whistled in a cat calling way.

"Oh my god" Natasha muttered

"I never watched it once" Melina added, and poured another drink "come and drink"

"To the family getting back together again"

"Seeing as our family was just a constructed ruse and it only lasted about 4 years I don't think we can use that term anymore can we" Melina asked

Agreed, so here's what's gonna happen.." Natasha started but was cut off by Alexei.

"Ok a reunion then" Alexei stated "and may I say you've just gotten beautiful as the day I met you"

Olivia Belova; The Silent WidowUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum