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"So there I am ice fishing with my father" Alexei explains telling his story.

"Please stop talking" Olivia asks

"Wait, please wait" Alexei asked her

"No, please just enough" Olivia yelled,

"None of this is relevant" she tells him

"You know, fathers" Yelena explains

"Yeah,! I still don't care, no one wants to hear about your stupid old days. When you wore a stupid red suit , no one cares" Olivia argued

"It's red guardian, but okay" he explained

Alexei started singing "I can't remember, if I cried. When I read about this widowed bride. Something touched me deep inside. The day. The music. Died. And they were singing"

Yelena and Olivia chuckled "bye, bye. Miss America pie" Both sisters said in sync

"Drove my Chevy to the levee" yelena sung

"But the levee was dry" Olivia said.

"The good old boys. Drinking whiskey and rye" alexei sung

"Singing" yelena sung

"This will be the day that I die" all three sang.

All of a sudden blinding white lights filled the room, the woosh from the helicopter wing could be heard from outside. "Get down" a voice on the speaker commanded.

A dart was shot at Alexei "they think..." he started to pull it out but more shots were fired at him making him fall to the ground.

Yelena got up before Olivia and tried running but was shot and a few seconds later passed out. "Shit" Olivia muttered. She crawled to her sister and checked her for a pulse. Great she's alive, it was just tranqalises she thought.

Olivia got out the gun she had been hiding on her leg and started shooting. She snuck out the room and went to find Natasha, she got to the kitchen and saw a pair of legs on the ground, she saw it was Natasha.

"I'm sorry" a voice came from behind Olivia, she spun around.

"Melina?" Olivia whispered.

Melina raised up her wrists and tasered Olivia causing her to fall unconscious.

"Let's not keep him waiting" Melina told the taskmaster who stood in front of her.

"Request clearance for landing." Melina asked.

Alexei started walking up and saw all 3 girls passed out on the floor, "Melina" Alexei said.

"We're touching down in one minute" Melina ignored him,

"Then why are we still going up" Alexei asked

"Now you'll know how Dreykov stayed under the radar for so many years," Melina told him. Alexei admired for a second because he was tranquillised yet again.

A/N- What's your favourite marvel show? I can't choose between black widow or AOS.

Also have you seen the new show "What If" do you like it, personally I think it's a little weird but it's okay.

Olivia Belova; The Silent WidowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora