Chapter 61

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Just wanted to include these pictures someone drew of what s4 Marco could've looked like, and let's just say we were ROBBED🖐🏻😣

Just wanted to include these pictures someone drew of what s4 Marco could've looked like, and let's just say we were ROBBED🖐🏻😣

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Okay, on with the heartbreak✌🏻_________________________

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Okay, on with the heartbreak✌🏻

Eren's titan's body was visible from miles away, something that looked like a vast crystalized spear pierced right through his stomach, leaving him dangling high up in the air. By the sounds of it, people were shooting at him- and quite heavy shots as well.

"This way! Once we get there we take out additional artillery and soldiers with the thunder spears as planned!", Jean yelled as you manoeuvred through the vast Internment Zone. Once you closed in on the immediate battlefield of Eren and the War Hammer Titan, you saw a huge explosion right by the nape of the War Hammer. It fell limp down on the ground.

'Yes Mikasa!'

You snuck up behind the building where the soldiers were shooting from, simultaneously flying over the edge once at the top. Without a word, you all shot your thunder spears at the unsuspecting soldiers, blowing up their artillery in the process.

"Spread out, take out any soldiers you see, spare civilians!", Jean said and took off. You jumped down from the roof again, watching Mikasa stand atop Eren's collapsed titan as you swung past them. Eren's upper body was peeking out of the nape. His hair was even longer than when he left you; the same length as the silhouette you saw both days prior to be exact.

'So it was him... Was he watching us?'

A shot fired, hitting the wall right in front of you, shook you out of your thoughts. You'd have to stay focused if you wanted to live past tonight. You looked over, searching for the source of the bullet, aiming and killing the soldier with a shot to his head. You took another look at the area surrounding Eren. Debris and ruins embossed the place, people of all ages and origin either crushed or stomped to death... You got chills down your spine as you noticed a particularly vast boulder, and judging by the petite legs and the little skirt peeping out beneath it, it had hit a young girl. The familiarity of the situation almost made you want to go down there and move it off of her, desperate to keep her alive, though you knew it was far too late. You found yourself wondering who she was; her name. Did she have a family? Friends? Was she a happy kid? Did she pass quickly or did she feel it all as the stone crushed her... You tore your gaze away from it, once again reminding yourself to stay focused.

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