Chapter 19

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You had been riding for quite a while already, and you found Moblit to be an easy-going riding companion. You switched between having interesting conversations and riding in comfortable silence.

"So Hange has always been that into titan-research?", you asked him as the theme of your conversation returned to Hange. You had just talked about how he became her executive officer.

"Yes, ever since she started her career here in the Survey Corps. The up-close encounters with them was the main thing influencing her to choose this regiment. She believes that in order for us to beat them, we have to learn everything we can about them. I agree with her, which is the main reason as to why I endure all the stress that comes by being Hange's research partner and executive officer"; he said with a little laugh. "A lot of sleepless nights". You laughed with him.

"I can see how research is important. We can't take them down if we are clueless about them and their nature. The only reason we have managed to take any of them up until this point is because someone figured out their weakness. Just imagine what we can uncover if we look even closer!", you agreed, becoming more excited as you spoke.

"Exactly", he said and smiled at you. He then laughed. "You even sound like her". You laughed at his comment.

"I would love to help out if she would find it useful", you said.

"I'm sure she would be ecstatic", he answered you. You yawned for the thousand time in the  past hour. You started to feel really sore from all the riding.

"Moblit, how long do we have left?", you asked him tired.

"Well, its quite a long way to the meeting point. We're probably going to be traveling until sunrise, so maybe four more hours? Then once you join the squad you will be riding for a couple of hours more until you reach base", he explained, and you became even more sore thinking about it.

"This was not a part of our agreement", you said sarcastically, earning a little snicker from Moblit.

"Well, I certainly don't envy you", he said. "Hange and I will join you a little later. We managed to capture a couple of titans in Trost, so we have our hands full at the moment. I have to make sure Hange don't get herself eaten in her excitement", he said. He then turned to you. "You should get some sleep before you meet up with the squad. Make a good first impression you know by not fainting due to over exhaustion", he said with a little smile.

"Yeah, that would be just my luck", you laughed, then yawning for good measure. You remember Moblit informing you that your horse would follow his if you didn't tell it otherwise, so you made yourself as comfortable as possible, leaning down on the soft, grey mane of the horse.


"Hey Y/N", Moblit called out, shaking your shoulder slightly. You quickly got up, forgetting you were still riding, which almost resulted in you falling off. You noticed the sun was about to rise.

"We're almost there, I can see the town from here", Moblit informed you and pointed over to some buildings barely noticeable. "What do you think about picking up the pace a bit? Then you may have some time to stretch your legs before you guys venture out", he asked you, and you nodded, eager to reach your halfway mark and take a break. On cue both horses increased their speed, the buildings inching closer and closer.

"Captain, I think I see them!", you heard a feminine voice call out. They must have spotted you and Moblit's green capes. You had received your new scout uniform and equipment, which you were quick to change into before leaving. The new uniform fit you like glove.

"Finally", you heard Levi say as you were a couple of meters away from the group.

"I'll see you later Y/N, good luck!", Moblit said as he turned to ride into the walled city on the other side of the wall.

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