Chapter 10

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Year 850

Of the original recruits, 218 cadets graduated- some with honours. The ones that didn't graduate either gave up or gave in to the harsh training. You never expected training to be so dangerous people would actually die.

Now here you were at the graduation ceremony in the Trost HQ, ready to finally start your lives as fully fledged soldiers. Well, almost. You still had to choose which branch of the military you wanted to join, which was scheduled to happen in two days. Still, this was almost as official as it could get, and you were ecstatic.

"Do you have heart?", Sadies yelled at the rows of cadets.

"Yes, sir", you all chanted in unison, saluting. It almost felt like you were back at the beginning, standing nervously between your peers.

"Congratulations Cadets! You are the selected few who have successfully finished and survived the harsh training that is to be expected of a graduated soldier". Sadies cleared his throat.

"I will now name the top ten of the 104th  Cadet Corps, southern division. Line up in the front as I call your name!", he then said, and your heart started beating fast. You felt your hands become clammy as the nervousness kicked in for real. You were unsure of where you were placed in the rankings. You knew you had done well, but compared to the others, you couldn't really tell.

"On tenth we have Sasha Blouse!", Sadies said. Sasha looked at you in disbelief and you gave her a little nudge on her back to get her to move to her spot.

'I knew you could do it Sasha'

"Ninth we have Connie Springer!". Connie quietly walked up and placed himself beside Sasha.

"Ranking as number eight we have Marco Bodt!". Marco's face lit up in a smile and he walked up to Connie. He had done it. He was now eligible to join the MP's. You couldn't help but feel proud of him for reaching his goal, though you were sad you probably would never have the chance to see him again. Joining different regiment's meant saying goodbye as your bases and duties were completely different. Not to mention how the chances of you dying would drastically increase upon joining the deadliest regiment.

"At number seven we have Jean Kirstein!". Jean looked puzzled, but smug as he walked up to the line forming in the front.

"Sixth is Eren Yaeger!". You looked in surprise as Eren walked forward. Not that you didn't think he could end up in top ten, it was more the fact that you had expected Jean to at least get a higher ranking than him. Either way, you felt proud seeing him up there. He had really worked hard to improve, and you admired that.

"Number five is Annie Leonhardt.". It must have been her lack of sense for teamwork that weighed her down. Still, ranking as number five is pretty impressive.

"Next up on number four is Bertholdt Hoover!", Sadies exclaimed, is voice becoming hoarse from all the screaming. It surprised you that after all these years of screaming, he still hasn't lost his voice permanently.

"Earning ranking number three is Reiner Braun!".

'Wait, there is only two spots left. There is no way I ranked better than Reiner!'

Your heart sank as you thought your shot at ranking in the top ten was long gone. Good thing you weren't aiming at joining the MP's, at least you had that to comfort yourself with.

"Ranking as number two we have Y/N L/N!", Sadies yelled once again.


You didn't really believe you heard it correctly, but realised you did after all the cadets closest to you turned their heads to look at you. Like Sasha, you walked forward in disbelief, to take your place besides Reiner. You met Thomas and Mina's gazes as you passed them, both giving you a proud smile and a nod. Finally reaching your spot you took a deep breath.

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