Why am I even like this? What the hell is wrong with me being this weak and letting them step over me?

I tried to thinking back to when this all started, it was just mostly Jay in highschool, but the point is, he bullies me verbally, not physically.

But then he met Ara and he changed for the worse as he got more popular with them. I always wondered what I had done to them to deserve this kind of treatment.

All I did is to exist as one of their schoolmates.

After I washed my hair in the restroom and fix myself with my locks dripping down my shirt, I walked out of the campus with my head held high even though I felt anything but confident right now.

I decided to cut my afternoon class and knew tha Jay would be there with his snake lady, so I better find a safety instead inside my dorm room.

As I entered my dorm building, the nice guard asked me what happened but for the first time, I only smiled at him. I got a few stares from the other boarders but no one came up to ask what happened. See, no one really cares?

The first thing I did even if my muscle was still swore is to put myself in a needed long shower. I entered the bathroom, feeling so weak at the smell of the food all over my body and yet the moment the water touched my skin, the feeling of utter bliss visited my state of mind.

All the pain of the day was washed away, my tense muscle relaxed and I only got out of the shower when I heard my phone rang, thinking it was Jake going to ask why I was not present in our next class.

I was wrapping my head with the towel, already dressed in my casual outfit when I heard my phone gives a notification again. Is there a way to explain myself without giving a hint of what happened to me to Jake?

Turns out I was wrong. The one I see in my phone is an unsaved number and I wouldn't have known who it is if the sender didn't mention his name.

5:30 pm sharp at my house, flat ass. Here's the address, Sinar Tower #078**

- Jay Park

Where the heck did he get my number? My brows knitted in confusion. But even if I'm a little suspicious, I replied a send right away, afraid that he'll be mad if I didn't.

Thankfully, it was a little too early to go and I have to wait for a few more hour to prepare myself, so I decided to sleep to rest my body as long as I could.

Why do I feel afraid at the thought of meeting him today? Should I call a friend?

Remember Heeseung? Yes, I should call to him if something bad happens between Jay and I.

⚊ ⚊

Girls, so heavy the crown
They carry it tall
But it's weighing me down

The alarm song woke me up from a very nice dream. I think it has something to do with me living up that for once, people are not looking down on me and for once, they see me as something special for being unique.

But in reality, they see me being weird and they won't let it go.

It was now past five, it says in my phone and my heart dropped in the pit of my stomach when I realized I would be late for my meet up with Jay in his house wherever that is. I get off in the bed in a hurry and picked up my purse along my phone to leave.

When I arrived after getting off the taxi, giving the driver a hard time as I stuttered on telling him to where he would bring me down, I got really nervous. The condo where Jay lives is huge. On my way up to his floor, I stick my head down as every person enters and their eyes told me I didn't belong there, in their world.

I can't even fathom to imagine what I looked like by the time I stopped at his door. My nerves were rocking me inside as I tried to process that the entrance to his home had a password.

With a silent curse to my well being, I gathered my last sense of wits and knocked. I knocked thrice and I doubt he would appreciate it when I made it louder. But then I heard the footsteps inside, making me look around as I searched for a way out.

The door open slowly revealing a boy I could placed as Yang Jungwon. He checked me up and down before calling to the monster. As soon as Jay turned up in a black pj's, his eyes roamed all over my face before it turned dark with rage.

"Tell me who did this to you", he asked murderously before leading me inside his house.

Tell me, should I run for my life?

To be clear, all the hyung line is in college. The maknae line is still in highschool.

Breaking The Bully ⚊ Enhypen JayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora