Chapter 4: Call me in the morning to apologize

Start from the beginning

"Honestly Vis, I'm fine. I just had a tough night and Agent Romanoff helped me." Vis? Back to Agent Romanoff are we?

"As long as you are well Wanda, that is my only concern" Vision stressed quietly.

"I am, so you can stop fussing" Wanda replied gently, smiling at the android and nudging him with her shoulder.

"Agent Romanoff, thank you for helping Wanda last night, it is truly appreciated."

"Sure, no worries." She said plainly.

"Breakfast is served" She plated Wanda some waffles and passed them across the table, sending Vision an apologetic look.

"Thank you Agent Romanoff" Natasha turned her head sharply at the formal greeting and rolled her eyes.

Natasha didn't eat the waffles, opting for a smoothie and strong black coffee.

"Oh my god! These are amazing!" Wanda exclaimed excitedly.

"What, you've never had waffles before?" Natasha asked quizzically.

"No, never. These are great" She said, giving Natasha the first full, genuine smile she had witnessed since the Little Witch had lost her brother.

"Well, I'll be sure to make them more often then." She replied, smiling back at the brunette.

Suddenly there was a loud crash from outside, the sky seemed to split and storm clouds began rolling towards the compound. Wanda almost fell off her chair and even Vision looked startled, looking between Wanda and the balcony. Natasha remained calm, not reacting and sipping her coffee.

"Looks like the God of Drama has decided to pay us a visit" She commented nonchalantly.

The door banged open, FRIDAY announcing the arrival of both Thor and Tony Stark.

Wanda started to rise from her stool, her eyes wide and panicked.

"Easy Little Witch, stand down" Natasha soothed as Wanda went to stand closer to the Russian Spy.

"Ahhh Lady Natasha!" Thor boomed cheerfully.

"Hey big guy" She said affectionately, giving him a quick hug.

"Hey Romanoff, miss me?" Stark greeted with a wink.

"It's only been 2 weeks Stark" she rolled her eyes at him.

She turned to see Wanda shrinking back, half apprehensive about Thor's reaction to her and half trying not to get too close to Tony.

Thor approached Wanda slowly.

"Lady Maximoff, please accept my sympathy and condolences on the loss of your Brother. He gave his life selflessly so others could live. He did not pass in vain" The sincerity in Thor's voice was unmistakable.

Wanda swallowed as her eyes shone with tears.

"Thank you Thor and please forgive me for my actions, I am truly sorry for any distress caused" she said quietly as he waved her off.

"Nonsense! That is all in the past now. Besides, being able to forgive is a prerequisite when you have a brother like Loki. Ohh waffles!"

Thor helped himself to the pile of waffles on the counter as Tony and Vision caught up.


"Stark" she replied somewhat coldly, her Sokovian accent almost drowning the word.

"Can I have a word? I have something for you"

"I do not require anything more from you, Stark" she stated bluntly.

"You'll want this" he assured, unfazed by Wanda's clear dislike of him.

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