Chapter 20: Mirrors

Start from the beginning

"Huh!" Asami breathed in frustration. She sat back on a couch rubbing the temples of her forehead. "And let me guess, he needs our help?"

"Well, that's what he asked for. I said we would think about it. You were kinda not all there." Korra stretched her arms, yawning widely. "I'm really tired. Maybe we can sleep on it?"

"You go ahead. Just go pick a room. I'll find you later." Asami said, contemplating.

Asami watched Korra walk away, her hips swaying as she failed to suppress a gigantic yawn. Even when she's practically sleepwalking, she's still sexy.

She turned back to the window and saw Jinora floating outside.

Asami recoiled in surprise. "Jinora? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm not really here, Asami you know that." The teenager teased her.

"Riight." Asami rolled her eyes, pretending to be upset. She smiled. "It's good to see you Jinora." She frowned. "Where are you?"

Jinora sheepishly shrugged. "I'm at the Earth Kingdom, Asami. We need you. Both of you. Wu is scared to death. Luckily, Mako's with him but"

"Wait, Mako's with him?" Asami couldn't believe it. She had figured Mako would go back to being a police officer after the war with Kuvira, him married to the job and all, but Mako with Wu willingly? Now that was interesting.

Jinora skimmed past the topic, apparently oblivious of Asami's reaction. "Yes, Mako's with him. The point is that the people won't listen to Wu. They need someone to support him. That's where the two of you come in."

"It sounds like you just need Korra." Asami said stubbornly, feeling something strange inside her. I'm not jealous.

Jinora laughed. "Asami Sato, are you jealous? What do you have to be jealous about? You love Korra. You're her better half. Korra loves you for who you are. What more do you need?"

Maybe Asami was still playing a snarky role because she couldn't help it. "What, you read that in a book or something?"

Now Jinora seemed slightly irritated. "Yes in fact, I did!" She sighed. "Look, Asami, you don't have to come and help us. The point is that, your friends need your help. The Asami I know would agree at a moment's notice."

"But we're on our honeymoon." Asami said weakly.

"Then you'll just have to reschedule. It's not that hard to do. Look, Asami, I have to" Jinora's figure suddenly disappeared.

"Jinora?" Asami said, staring dumbfoundedly at the spot where Jinora's tattoo was.

Asami sighed and stared at the night sky where the giant full moon was emerging from behind a wispy cloud.

I've always been helping everyone else.

She hugged a cushion tightly, fighting the conflicting thoughts within her mind.

Can I do it one more time?

She closed her eyes. She saw her face. Her defiance in the face of danger. Standing back up when the world knocked her down. Battered, but still resilient. Those pure eyes burning fiercely with a youthful energy and pride. What motivated her? Her thoughts shifted.

Her hair felt shorter. She couldn't reach back to tie it up like she always did. Her chest felt strangely huge and weighty. Her body felt hard. Oh my God, I'm Korra! She stood to look at herself in the mirror and sawherself. Her green eyes, her black hair and the red and black she always wore. What? I don't get it.

She watched as the mirror-her winked and slyly walked to the right where she stood at the foot of a bed. Mirror-Her smiled purely, free of worry. Mirror-Her walked and sat next to the sleeping figure, running her hands up and down the sleeping person's arms, until she let them come to rest in the sleeping person's hands.

"I love you, Korra." Mirror-Her whispered.

She watched as Korra's mouth slightly curled upward in a sleeping smile of comfort.

Oh. That's it.

She felt herself rise and knew that she had fallen asleep and that it was a dream.

I get it now Korra. That's how you keep doing it. Asami said. You have something worth fighting for.

Asami sat up.

And I do to.

Asami rose and set the course for Zaofu herself.

They were going to take back the Earth Kingdom, but first they were going to need some help. Asami knew next to nothing about the people of the Earth Kingdom. Korra didn't know much better. Wu was clueless, and Mako was Mako, not that that was a bad thing.

As for people who actually know things about the Earth Kingdom, who better than the Beifongs?

Satisfied, Asami trudged down the hallways searching for the room Korra had chosen. I never realized how tired I was. Or how late it was.

As she neared the final doors of the hallway, she thought to herself. I guess some things don't always turn out how you plan.

She opened the last door at the end of the hall. She saw Korra sprawled on a doubled bed, her shirt clumsily thrown on the ground, breathing loudly. Korra was out cold.

Asami happily slid in next to her, wrapping her arms around Korra's stomach. Korra sighed as if in relief.

And that isn't always a bad thing.

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