Chapter 19: The Wife's Avatar

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"Hey, sleepyhead. Wake up."

Korra moaned and put a pillow on her face, her eyes still closed. She put her arm in the air, with one finger up. "One minute, mom." She let her arm flop back down as she grumbled into the feathery softness of her pillow. Why? Why am I being woken up now? I was having the greatest dream.

She heard Asami's heavy sigh. "Come on, baby. You've been sleeping for 15 hours now." She felt Asami's soft hand lightly shake her shoulder. "Time to get up." She said kindly.

That's right. It's not a dream. Korra thought. I'm with Asami. She suddenly felt giddy. I'm with Asami. What am I doing sleeping?

She slowly lifted the pillow to see that perfect smile. "Hey there beautiful." She stretched and yawned, feeling her limbs gradually loosen up. "Where are we?" I feel amazing. She looks amazing.

"Well, Korra. Since you fell asleep, I decided we should just hover a bit." Asami said.

Korra lifted herself from the couch with a gentle gush of air. As she absent mindedly battled her horrible case of bed hair, she noticed there was nothing outside the window but a never-ending splash of blue.

"The ocean?" Korra said, confused, stifling a yawn.


"But what are"

Korra was cut off by Asami coming from behind, her hand muffling Korra's lips. Korra stopped instantly. "Uh uh. Since you overslept for so long, you have to do what I want you to today. Do you understand me?" She felt Asami's sultry whisper against her neck. She shivered in anticipation.

Korra was slightly confused. She seemed to be confused around Asami a lot lately. She reached to take Asami's hand off her mouth, but her hand was knocked away by Asami's other hand. "Asami what're you" Korra began, her voice muffled.

Asami's hand tightened. "No, I don't think you understand how this works yet. I tell you what to do, and you obey me. You're my Avatar today." Asami's other hand wrapped around Korra's stomach, and Korra instinctively felt her muscles tense.

Strangely, Korra found she was enjoying this. She nodded.

"Good, then. Now, we're going to go somewhere, and you're going to come with me. You got that?" Asami said forcefully.

Korra nodded again. Of course I'm going to come with you, where else am I gonna go? She thought sarcastically.

"Hey! None of that either! I can hear your thoughts. Remember?" Asami twisted Korra's hand behind her back just enough to make it uncomfortable. Korra couldn't help but notice that Asami's other hand was now wandering freely, exploring every inch of her midsection. "Now go! Keep walking."

Where are we going with this? Korra thought as she was pushed into an empty hallway. Was it something I said? She thought she could easily maneuver out of the hold Asami had her in, but she was also curious as to what had come over Asami to make her like this.

Are you mad yet? Korra heard Asami's whispery tone cut into her thoughts. She felt chills pass through her body. It was almost like a completely different person. Gone was the kindness, and here was a weirdly emotionless tone. Wait. No. Beneath the exterior, there seemed to be something almost likean eager playfulness.. Go ahead and try to break out of this hold. I bet you can't do it without your bending.

Korra scoffed. "Oh yeah?" She twisted her body, and felt Asami's arms grasp her even harder, the air knocked out of her for a moment. Okay. That didn't work.

She heard Asami laugh. "Nice try. That was very cute."

"Ha ha."

"You give up yet?" Asami said.

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