Chapter 12: Rather Be

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Agh! Korra's thoughts were in a thousand different places at once. Her hair looked awful. One strand kept falling into her eyes. Her dress didn't fit her quite right and felt tight around her thighs. The dark blue bracelets she was wearing weren't going to match Asami's necklace.

Something weird was happening to Korra. She was self conscious about her appearance, and she cared about what she looked like. That was so unlike her and it seemed to only happen around Asami.

Well, not to mention that this was the most important day of her life. She was getting married! Nervousness broiled in her stomach at the thought, and she had to sit down on the bed. She began to think about the past and that moment where she first saw Asami again after three years.

Korra had stumbled nervously into the restaurant where Mako had placed reservations at. Just talking to Asami on the phone had set her heart racing. She remembered Asami's excited tone. "Korra! You're alright! I can't wait to see you again!" Asami had sounded ecstatic, leaving Korra unsure of what to say to her in response, besides "I can't wait."

Asami's eyes were the first thing Korra saw. They were just as Korra remembered them; focused, yet beneath the surface, an unyielding kindness within. She was reading some kind of magazine involving Future Industries, her fingers tapping on the cover, as if she waiting for osmething.

And she was! Korra thought. She was waiting for me! She shivered at how powerful the memory was. And the hug.

Korra had decided to go with a joke to start off, a decision she regretted today. "I hope you haven't been waiting long."

Really? Korra thought at herself. Gone for three years and the only thing you can say is "I hope you haven't been waiting long? A "sorry for being gone so long" would have been mice, Korra!

Asami was still Asami though. And while she should have been furious at Korra for being gone for so long, she had glossed over it like it was nothing. "Only three years." As casually as one might say when discussing the weather.

They threw themselves into each other's arms right there, and Korra felt something rise within her. A feeling she hadn't felt for a very long time. She felt safe. Andbut no, that was impossible! Korra thought at the time. I don't like her in that way. Do I?

"I'm lovin' your hair!" Asami said happily, nodding towards how short it was, as Korra let go of her, Asami's arms still hangling slightly in the air. They looked strangely lonely without someone to hold them.

"Thanks,' Korra had casually said, touching the ends of her hair, trying to look cool. Inside was a whole different feeling. What? She likes my hair? What do I say back? Asami, you're amazing! Asami, you're perfect! Asami, you're flawless!

"Um you're looking snazzy as always." Korra felt herself redden. Who says snazzy? What does that even mean? Why am I blushing for?"

Asami smiled, and Korra felt her heart race. "Come on. Mako's waiting for us." She put her arm around Korra's, and led her to the table. Korra felt it again. What's happening to me? She was so confused.

Oh, if only I knew. Korra thought as she brushed aside that one strand of hair for the millionth time. It fell back down. Korra groaned in frustration and hung her head.

Someone knocked on the door. It was Opal. "Hey, Korra. What's wrong? Asami's almost ready!" Opal's eyes were green like Asami's. except darker, like emeralds, while Asami's were lime-green and powerful. There was something indescribable that separated the two.

"Hi, Opal." Korra said, staring glumly at the floor.

"What's wrong Korra? You look great." Opal was hosting the whole wedding party by herself for them. Bolin claimed to be helping, but he didn't really do much besides sample all the food. Opal planned everything.

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